Chapter 78- Egyptian Awakening

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Your Pov

After that whole fiasco with Company 5, I was able to clam down Hibana and she cooperated with us to tell the rest of Company 5 that this was all just an exercise that Hibana made up with Company 8. The next morning, when everyone woke up, we all had a barbecue, like nothing happened.

You: Well, I guess not to press charges against us, this is the best way to not get caught.

Maki: I agree, considering that you almost destroyed the whole place with that Titan form.

You: Yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, at least we got Company 5 on our side now. Next up, Company 1.

Maki: Agreed.

Time skip

After that barbecue, Company 8 and I went back to our base to plan our infiltration on Company 1. It was quite a slow day, but Hibana was there to keep us company. I also heard that Captain Obi's locker was harassed by Hibana, which was a hit funny.

Obi: Arthur, Y/N, Shinra, you 3 are going to use the Company 1 training course to sneak in and get Intel on them.

You: What's that?

Obi: It's a special training that the rookies may participate in. It works over a month and that's also your time limit. That should give you 3 enough time to get us some Intel.

You: But wouldn't it be suspicious that only 3 of us are going?

Hibana: No need to worry about that, I'll just tell some of my rookies along with some of the other companies to help you.

You: Well, that's a relief for us, I still got more power to show them!

Shinra: That's the spirit! (Alright, I'm one step closer to finding Sho)

Time skip

When the time came, Maki was the one to bring us to the Cathedral of Company 1. Company 1 follows the ways of Sol, so I expected it to be religious. We met with a guy with blue hair and head phones with a terrible way of making insults. Anyways, he lead us to the worship area of the cathedral where Captain Burns of Company 1 was there to meet us, along with 2 other male priests.

You: (One of them looks fishy, especially the one with stars for eyes. )

Maki: Sir, first class fire soldier of Company 8, Maki, reporting!

Burns: With a due respect, we are in a cathedral, so, I rather have your hands tented.

We then did as we were told and showed the Latom symbol. We were then introduced to the 3 Preists who will be taking us. On top of that, we will be able to explore Company 1, which is a huge plus for us.

Shinra: Since we're done here with introductions, I think a little sparing match should be in session.

Maki/You: Shinra!

Reka: We've read what your powers are implied on, there's no need to do so.

Burns: It's okay, Rekka, you may fight against them.

Rekka: Really?! Alright!

You: (What a sudden change of attitude. Captain Burns, 2nd Strongest Soldier behind Company 7's captain, Benimaru, let's see how really strong he is. )

Time skip

The Company 2 guy who was named Juggernaut went first and was quite a coward. Although, his Pyro abilities are very similar to the Herrscher of Reason, the ability to create weapons, but the Herrscher of Reason has a larger arsenal. The bubble gum guy and the bolde priest decided to say "yeah, no, we're not fighting." The last ones were just us Company 8 fellows.

Me? I'm the son of the void Anime Crossover x Bullied Male Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें