Chapter 60- A Raiju Descends

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Your Pov

My dinosaur eggs? Oh! Right, the 4 Velociraptors, T-Rex, and Indominus Rex eggs. I then went to the incubation wing as Trihexa and I watched them hatch.

Trihexa: Dad, what are those?

You: Those are dinosaur eggs, I picked them up when I was in another world. Not all of them are the same species, but I'll become their Alpha.

Trihexa: Papa is so cool!

You: Of course I am. *hears hatching noises* Looks like our baby dinosaurs are about to hatch.

When they hatched, the first face that they saw, was me. The Indominus Rex was half Raptor and half T-Rex, so it speaks both. For the next month, I was like their mother. They tried to attack me, but it was just for fun, like they said through telepathy. While doing so, I took care of Prinz Eugen as she's bearing my child, my biological child. Trihexa heard about it and she was super excited to have a baby brother or sister. I went back to Inazuma for a while since I promised myself to see Baal again.

Baal: Where were you?! I was so worried when I woke up and you were gone!

You: I'm very sorry, Baal, I had other things to do.

Baal: What's more important than me?! Tell me where you're going before you go somewhere.

You: It's because of the core, isn't it? Just because of the core, you love me, right?

Baal:... No, not just because of the core, but also because you're someone I can't let go of.

You: Meaning?

Baal: For years, I've been alone, cursed to see my friends die till the point I don't even know who I was. Was I me? Or someone else?

(The lore states that Electro Vision users have an identity crisis. Take Fischl as an example.)

You: Your name isn't Baal then?

Ei: No, my real name is Ei.

You: Ei... I like it, it suits someone like you, better than Baal.

Ei: *smile* I'm glad then. Also, while you were gone, I have already given back all the visions.

You: Then why did I see a Geo vision at the bottom of your statue?

Ei: Eh? I thought I gave them all out already.

You: I'm going to go find the poor guy since you forgot about their vision. You are free to come with me.

Ei: I'll join you then.

We then walked around Inazuma with the vision of Geo. People were looking at us like we were some couple. After a few minutes, we spotted some Oni guy playing with some kids.

Mysterious guy: Huh? Hey, that's my vision, thanks so much for finding it

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Mysterious guy: Huh? Hey, that's my vision, thanks so much for finding it.

You: Nope, who are you, and what is your deal?

Me? I'm the son of the void Anime Crossover x Bullied Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now