Chapter 72- The Angel Among Humans

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Your Pov

After finishing my work, Dido and I walked home from CiRCLE. She was even holding my arm tightly as I smiled.

Dido: Dido is really happy that she gets to be with Master alone.

You: And I'm happy too. *notices something* Dido, is there something that you want to tell me?

Dido: N-No, Dido is fine, master doesn't need to know anything...

You: Dido, I know that you have something to tell me, it's in how you talk, you don't usually like hiding things from me, so, what's wrong?

Dido: Dido can't really hide anything from master, can I? Alright, I will tell you. I... I'm afraid that you'll throw me away.

You: Oh? And why would you think that I'd throw you away?

Dido: Because... Dido is nothing but a lowly maid, unlike master who's kind and powerful... Unlike me who's admiring you from behind... I always feel like you don't need me so I do my best so that you'll never throw me away.

You: Dido, look at me.

Dido looks at me as I then pull her into a hug, which took her by surprise.

You: I would never throw away anyone, not even you, all of you have your own strengths and flaws, that's what makes you all different to one another. Dido, I won't throw you away, you're a ship, but also human, you feel and show emotions, you are able to love too. Besides, if I throw you away (Which is never going to happen), I'll be missing one of my girls who I deeply care about.

Dido: Master... Really cares for Dido... *sniff* I'm so happy!

You: There there, let's go home and eat some dinner, I heard today you and Taihou made dinner.

Dido: Oh yes, we even made your favourite.

You: Great, you're the best, Dido! (Taihou too)

Time skip

As Dido and I arrived back at my mansion, Belfast greeted us and so did the both of us.

Nimi: Hey, Y/N, did you seal that dragon already?

You: Yeah, I did, 5 more to go. For some reason, I feel weird, like very holy like.

Dido: Now that I think about it, Dido spotted you showing angel wings on your back. You even had little angels floating around you.

You: That's strange, that has never happened to me before, maybe it's a sign for my kid to come soon.

Dido: Um... Then why did I see 3 angles around you?

Belfast: Oh my, no wonder there were 2 Quiches in the over.

You: Wait... Quiches... In the oven? (one moment later)... PRINZ EUGEN!! *goes to her room*

Prinz Eugen: Yes, my love?

You: You didn't tell me that we're having twins!

Prinz Eugen: Ah~ You found the quiches that I placed in the oven. I wanted it to be a surprise so I just told you that we're only having one.

You:... *falls to the ground*

Prinz Eugen: Y/N! Are you okay?

You: I'm fine... I'm just so happy! We're going to have the first 2 Ship-Herrscher Hybrids! Is the other going to be a boy?

Prinz Eugen: Fufu~ You guessed it.

(Give me boy names now.)

You: Nice! A boy and a girl, once they come out, I'll take care of the both of them as well!

Me? I'm the son of the void Anime Crossover x Bullied Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now