Chapter 73- Linking Problems Of The Joker.

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Your Pov

After practicing with Akagi, I could see Morfonica, Afterglow, and Marina looking at us.

You: Looks like our jam session for today, ends here, it was fun though.

Akagi: Yes, it sure was, I can't wait till our next performance, my darling angel~

You: It's the angel wings and halo, Isn't it?

Akagi: Yup~

You: Of course it is. I question if this is becoming a normal thing or not, but it's getting quite annoying.

Akagi: I like it though, it suits you well.

You: Hehe, alright then.

Akagi and I then went out of the studio as we then greeted Afterglow and Morfonica.

You: Good afternoon ladies. Afterglow, it's your turn for the studio, you can use it to your heart's content.

Ran: Y-Yeah, let's go girls.

Himari: Y/N, are you an angel?

You: Eh? No, I'm not just human really.

Moca: Then yet you had Angel wings just now and a halo, mind explaining?

You: It's just that I get that a lot, there's nothing out of the ordinary there. Anyways, see you later.

Tsukushi: Wait a moment.

You: Yeah, Futaba-San?

Tsukushi: Do you mind if you coach us? We're still new, even though you faced us in the music Cup.

You: I don't mind. Hey, Afterglow, you want one session too?

Time skip

The following day, I had to visit Sayo since she said that I have a letter or soenthing like that. She gave me her address so it was easy to find her. When I arrived, I rang the doorbell and Hina was the one who answered.

Hina: Y/N-Kun, it's good to see you, your performance was so boppin! Come inside, Onee-Chan is waiting for you

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Hina: Y/N-Kun, it's good to see you, your performance was so boppin! Come inside, Onee-Chan is waiting for you.

You: Thanks, Hina.

Hina then escorts me to the living room where Sayo was waiting for me. As I entered, she looks at me with a calming smile.

Sayo: Good, you're here. Hina, mind leaving the room for a while?.

Hina: Huh? But I want to listen too! It's not fair that you get all the time with Y/N!

Sayo: It's just trivial matters, just go.

Hina: Nope, I'm staying here!

Sayo: *sigh* Fine, whatever, just don't disturb anything. *to you* As for you, Y/N-San, due to your grades during mid-terms, you've been invited to teach at another school.

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