Chapter 42- World Serpent

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Your Pov

Radriar? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before? I can't put my finger on it. He then gives me a blade that radiated such immense power. It had a few holes in the sword but as I held it, the sword shined blue.

Radriar: That, is your most treasured weapon which you gave to me to use, the Infinity Blade, the God Killer, what it is called, built only for you and you alone

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Radriar: That, is your most treasured weapon which you gave to me to use, the Infinity Blade, the God Killer, what it is called, built only for you and you alone. Stronger than even the Divine Keys from the 14 Herrschers. This blade absorbs those who were killed by this blade. And now, my king, this is rightfully yours once again.

You: What power... Will we fight as allies?

Radriar: That is for certain, my king. But for now, regain your memories, and we shall see, farewell for now. Also, check your pockets, there should be 2 more infinity weapons inside.

Once Radriar left, I did what he told me to do as I looked into my pockets to see the same blades but smaller.

Once Radriar left, I did what he told me to do as I looked into my pockets to see the same blades but smaller

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You: Infinity Daggers? Wait, how did I even know what these even are? Who am I really? 

Analyzing it further, both weapons work the same way. I then kept the daggers, but the sword was still in my hand since I have no idea how to keep it. Once I went back into the hut, the girls were hiding. Once I opened the door, the blade vanished.

You: You can come out now, it wasn't anything dangerous.

Laura: Then who was that you were talking with?

You: His name was Radriar. He knows me for some reason and addresses me by "king" like Bella and a few of my servants. Cecelia, how are you feeling?

Cecelia: Better than before, thank you, Y/N. Wait, Kiana, she's still waiting for me back at my house!

You: I'll go get her, Kiana, Laura, I'm leaving you both, ok?

Kiana: You can count on us!

I then smiled before setting out again. The Infinity Blade then appeared on my back as I went to Cecelia's place. Once I arrived, the door was already opened. So, I took out a normal gun as I stealthy walked around the house.

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