Chapter 37- The Birth Of An Adepti

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(This may be late, but I have no regrets.)

Your pov

As I got out of the house, Lumine had already left a while back after finishing the cake. I think Paimon took a slice and an extra one with her. Never mind, Zhongli told me that tomorrow was someone's birthday. That old man never forgets anyone, even if he wants to.

You: When you have a perfect memory, and immortal, the world around you changes as you change with it. Maybe that's why Zhongli never smiles, he can't forget those he loves.

Looking at the night sky across Liyue, the Chinese style of Liyue really goes well with the sky. That reminds me, I met Ganyu at night too. I think it has been a few weeks since then. Oh, how time passes.

You: Hmm... I should get a gift! But what? I only know that she likes Qingxin flowers, but what else? This world does say that they need a few materials to ascend to the next level or something. This world is weird. Anyways, since Ganyu is a cryo user, I need to farm a few materials, also some whopper flowers so that I can get their nectar. Ooh! A date too!

I then made my way to Yuehai Pavillion to inform Ganyu about it. Of course, the girl is as of now overworked so a day off wouldn't be so bad. I then opened my wings as I then flew to her window. 

You: Ganyu, Ganyu, can you hear me?

Ganyu: E-Eh?! Y/N, what are you doing here? Do you have any business with me? If so, please head to the main entrance, not by the window.

You: I know, but they wouldn't allow me to if I told them my reason. Listen, tomorrow, could you please take the day off? I want to spend some time with you, as in a date.

Ganyu: You know that I can't do that Y/N, there's much to do and the papers just keep piling up.

You: Please? I already asked Ninnguang and she said yes. (I did actually)


Ninnguang: Huh? You want Ganyu to take a day off, why?

You: Well, it's because it's her birthday tomorrow and I want to make it a special day for her.

Ninnguang: I see, well, I hope that you can give her a good time. If she doesn't believe you, I'll write down a note for you. It's the least I could do for you after saving Liyue. Don't worry about the paperwork, I can ask someone else to do it.

End flashback

Ganyu: I see, then I'll take the day off tomorrow just for you. You better make it worthwhile because this is my first day off in a while.

You: Don't worry, I will. I'll meet you at Wanmin Restaurant at 11, is that OK with you?

Ganyu: I can deal with that. We can eat lunch there.

You: Don't worry about that. Get some rest and we can enjoy ourselves tomorrow ok? Night Ganyu! You know, even though you are a cryo, sometimes you're Pyro, cause you look hot.

I then left with a satisfied face as I left Ganyu blushing. I knew she couldn't withstand flirts, so, I decided to tease her. As I left, flying, I saw Xiao on the roof of Wangshu Inn. He was gesturing me to come towards him, and that's what I did.

You: Evening, Xiao.

Xiao: Evening, Lord Y/N.

You: Please, just call me Y/N. Anyways, since we are here, want some Almond Tofu?

Xiao: I guess I can't decline from someone like you.

You: Alright then. Hey, mind if I get an Almond Tofu and a Universal Peace?

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