Chapter 35|| Sneaking in Slytherin

Start from the beginning

"Psst, are you guys there..? What have you done with this place, I love it?"

I jumped out from behind my hiding place and faced a grinning Sirius who was looking around the area, and sitting on one of the pink cushioned couches in front of the Zeroni portrait. Remus was laughing and looking up at the ceiling, and then he told us, "This is amazing artwork, it makes what we've done look like child's play." 

James nodded proudly as he sat beside the black haired boy, and asked, "What did you do?"

Remus answered quickly, obviously slightly proud of his master plan, "Well we just went to the boys fourth year dorms and changed all of their toothpaste for hair gel and then we charmed their ties to sing happy birthday." 

Sirius stood up suddenly, obviously excited to tell James what he did to contribute, and said with a hint of smugness, "Then I made Severus Snape's hair yellow and made it stick to his head. Not that he needs that charm though, the greasy git." I snickered at my imagination, and at the thought of what the Slytherin's faces would be in the morning.

Whilst eating breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning, I noticed that three out of four Marauders were drinking a great deal of caffeine, and one (Peter), was half asleep leaning onto the table, and had a spoon halfway through the air. I felt just like they all looked, and I could feel my eyelids growing heavy.

"Where were you last night Athena? I woke up this morning and I couldn't see you in bed," Aafiya asked me as she sat down at the table and picked up a piece of toast. I thought for an excuse in my extremely tired brain, "I was with the boys and we lost track of time."

She eyed me suspiciously but let the subject go, eating her food, and occasionally glancing at me and the boys. There was a large commotion near the door of the Great Hall, and I looked over to see seven Slytherin boys and four girls, including two Prefects, and Severus Snape. 

I saw that some of them were grumbling about pink, some of them were fanning their mouths and complaining about their toothpaste burning their mouths, and no fourth year boy had their tie on. It certainly would've caused a lot of noise. Snape had Hufflepuff yellow hair, and was trying to pry it furiously from his forehead.

Slughorn waddled down to meet his Slytherin pupils, asked them multiple questions and gathered all of their complaints and queries, telling some pupils to go to Madam Pomfrey, some to sit down quietly, and some to lead him to the dormitory. I looked towards Lily and saw her eyes wide, but at the corner of her lips there was a slight smile. Aafiya was looking at me and the Marauders again, like she was suspecting us of something.

At the moment of the Slytherins leaving, Mary and Marlene came over to our end of the table, and Marlene giggled happily, clapping her hands together, "Whoever did that and got away with it, I want to both congratulate and thank them, it's impressive." James opened his mouth, but Remus nudged him sharply in the side and laughed it off nervously. 

Peter mumbled to his friends closest to him, "We couldn't tell anyone? Not like I would tell anyone anyway because whoever I would tell was in on the prank but, if I did have other friends I surely would need to be reminded of that rule." I smiled lightly at the short boy, and checked the time on Remus' watch. 

I heard heels clicking behind us and turned to see McGonagall stood behind me, Peter and Aafiya, looking down at us, an eyebrow raised. James and Sirius immediately grinned, the latter saying cheerfully, "Hey Minnie, having a nice morning so far? What have you came to accuse us of this time, any detentions, questions?" 

Aafiya sighed and placed her head in her hands muttering, "It sounds like you're asking to be found out."

McGonagall said briskly, "I have just heard and seen what has happened with the Slytherins and their common room and quite frankly, I have no evidence on who it was but I have my guesses. Just to let you know, there is a simple counter charm to every spell that the perpetrators have performed."

James stood up and took his last sip of coffee, smiling, then he turned to Mary and Marlene, whispered something which made them laugh, and then turned back to the Professor, ruffling his hair.

"Now Minnie, you saying that makes me feel like you're accusing me," James said, "I hope you know full well that it could not have been me, because the whole room would have been red and gold with little lions everywhere. The ties would have also screamed slippery snakes instead of happy birthday." McGonagall seemed satisfied with this explanation, albeit still confused, and nodded, walking off to probably tell another teacher the Marauders were not suspicious.

Walking to Herbology, the curly brown haired boy started walking next to me and said quietly, "Thank you for that Thea, I would have surely had to give in if you didn't suggest pink." I patted him on the back and continued a conversation all the way to the greenhouses. It was a nice day outside, it would have been better if we actually had the energy to run about in it but, as we spent most of the night planning and executing an amazing prank, there was no room to sleep.

"It was you and the boys wasn't it?" Aafiya asked me. I started to look offended she would even suggest that but she raised an eyebrow and her look was enough to scare me. Aafiya was one of those people that couldn't hurt a single soul but would scare people with just her body language.

She continued however, ignoring my reaction, "I think it's really interesting how good you all are at lying and your imagination impresses me but just don't get hurt Athena, you know how full on the boys can be, and how careless they are." I nodded and took her advice, of course I would.

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