Chapter 72 Stupid Father

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Jace Pov

Who's child his he? My father ask. He his my brother, Jessy said. Why does he look like you that much, my father said once again. I know we look alike but from the look on my parents and brothers face it like we are replica of each other. Breakfast is serve, a maid call out to us. We all went to have our breakfast, when we are done eating, Jessy follow some maid to the supermarket. I went to the sitting room and sit down.

Who's the father of those child, my mother ask. Mom stop thinking too much, I told her, because I don't want to tell them that she doesn't know who their stupid father may be, I thought to myself.

It been one month since that incident of the school happened, and school will be resuming on Monday and today is Friday. I called Drake and tell him to inform everyone that they should all be back to the camp this Monday. I call Emily and also tell her the same thing. My parents already apologize about, Cooper Mellow and the doctor his already behind the bars for commiting fraud, he his also the one who my parents give the blood sample, that why they were deceived even more. They let the lady go only because of her child. Let say I let the lady go.

The day went by so fast, it already Sunday, I should be in camp my now but Emily want to take the kids to school herself, so I want to wait for her, the Gate family did not change their kids school, why should they do that in the first place. Zoe is not been traumatized, I guess because she's just a child, and a child let things go easily. They already redecorate the school, so that some students, that the incident might affect will think it another school even if it not.

Today is Monday, I wait for Emily, I lean against the car and close my eyes, I don't know how many hours have pass, I couldn't wait any longer and take out a cigarette, I take a drag form it and puff it out to form a love shape. I did not know how many cigarettes I smoke but you could tell from the burn on the floor. I hate it when someone smoke, I heard a voice said, but I don't need to be told who's voice is it. I pull her in for a hug, i miss you, I said. But she said nothing.

I open the car down for her while I went to the driver sit after settling her in. The drive was silent. I want you to resign from the army, I said. She look at me surprised. Why? She ask. Because I will be resigning soon, I said. Just because you want to resign doesn't mean I will, she said looking out of the window. Em, you should know this work, is about life and death, you can loose your life in the process of savings someone else life, I said trying my possible best to be calm.

I know before signing it, she said. I chuckle, so you don't care about your life, let say you don't care about your life what about your kids life, if anything should happen to you, do you think they will be themselves, I said angryly not keeping my cool any more. Please don't lecture, I know what am into before even knowing you, she also said angryly. I can't believe am having this conversation with her. I know what she said is true, but when am not here with her, my mind won't be at rest, if am here with her, I know I will try my possible best to save her, but she doesn't even care.

When we reach the camp, she get down of the car and slam the door really hard. I park the car and look at her angry figure.

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