Chapter 9 Army

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Emily Pov

I was raped, when I said that the living room fall into a dead silent.

my grandma cough before asking how did it happen. I explain everything to them, but I did not explain about the baby. wait the baby, oh my God, I just remembered him. I stand up immediately, grandma. grandpa, I will be right back, I said before running out. I ask one of the guard to drive me.

when I get there, I ask him to wait outside. when I get inside, he his awake, but he did not cry. I carried him and give him a bath before feeding him. I change his clothes. but he did not allow me to put him down, I try putting him down, he rise his voice, and start crying, he stop only when I carry him.

I think I need to explain to my grandparents but am going to twist the truth, if I tell them, they might want to help look for his family, which may endangered their life. i pack all his clothes and food. before I carry him out. when I sit down in the car, the driver look at me as if, have grow two head.

when we get to the old mansion. I get down from the car, while the driver help me with my stuff. the baby look happy. I carry him inside... I reach the sitting, my grandparents look at me, as if I have two head's, where did he come from.

he his my baby. tell us the truth, when did you ever get pregnant that we don't know, or that parents of your's don't know. tell us the truth, my grandma said. It like this, I have a friend, we are very close. you don't have a friend, grandpa how did you know I don't have a friend.

he want to continue the talking when my grandma said, ok what really happened. she got pregnant, she and her boyfriend plan on keeping the child, when she's 8 months gone her boyfriend melt with an accident. she couldn't take with, she cry all day and night.

when she was due. she gave birth to a baby boy, a week after giving birth, she ask me to take care of her child. she also die. sounds too simple to be true, my grandpa's said. we understand if you don't want to tell us about the truth, what did you want to do now? you are pregnant and you also have a baby with you. did you want to stay home or you want to go to other countries, my grandma ask.

i wish to go to the army. to do what? Grandpa ask. I heard they need doctor's, I said. No, you are not going there, they both said at the same time. why?... Did you think you are going to work there in a hospital, known, you are going to work on a battlefield.

it a mess over there. and did you think they are going to sign you? known, no matter how good you are they aren't going to sign you, because you have a life in you, my grandpa said. grandpa please you can help me, you where once a soldier and a General at that.

known am not doing that, it like am sending you on a suicide mission, my grandpa disagree. I went down on my knees, grandpa I want to make a name for myself, please you are my only hope, if I should stay over here, they are going to mock me. there are so many ways to make a name for yourself, I can't just help you with this. My grandpa said shaking his head.

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