Chapter 37 Should I say yes or No?

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Emily Pov

When he ask me if am good, I just look at him and said nothing. Everyone also look at me. when they keep looking at me, I shake my head yes and said, am good.

How did he expect me to be good, when they shoot right Infront of me. Am not saying they shouldn't kill, because I know if they don't kill, they are going to kill us. I just feel terrified. The image kept coming to my head.

I look up to see to see a girl resting her head on Jace shoulder, I felt irritated. Who's she, I ask Kim. The president daughter, He said. That the reason why everyone have to risk their life, to save the president daughter. But that their job anyway and it also mine now.

When we reach the base, I did not wait for anyone before going to take a shower. The image kept repeating in my head. It already past 10 in the evening. I went to the cafeteria to grab some food.

On my way to my room, I collide with Kim who ask if am ok. Yes am ok, I said. How is Leon doing, I ask. You really did a good job back then, if you did not remove the steel, his shoulder will have been paralyze, he said. Thank God I can help.

Where are you going he ask, to my room, I reply. Well! Lieutenant Jace what to see everyone in his office, he said. Are we going on a mission again. He let out a chuckle, not at all. He went his way while I also went to my room to take a shower.

Some minutes later I went to Jace office. I knock on getting there and I went in we I heard a come in. I open the door to see Jace sitting on his chair. I stand still not saying anything. Are you ok, he ask me. Where are the others, I ask instead of answering.

They already left... you okay, he ask once again. Yes... But you don't seem ok to me, he said. Am ok, I said not wanting to tell him am scared. If you said so, just want to tell you that you can have tomorrow as your day off.

Thanks, I said and turn around to leave. He did not stop me, I think to myself. At least he should ask me if I can sleep alone, I take a little step towards the door waiting for him to call me back. Can you sleep by yourself, I heard him ask from his sit.

Should I say yes or No. What if he take advantage of me. Yes I can sleep by myself, I said and open the door not waiting for his reply. I reach my room and lay down on the bed. That was a dumb answer back there. I should have just tell him the truth.

I can't close my eyes, whenever I did so, the image of today mission kept repeating in my head. I Keep tossing on my bed not knowing what to do. When I check the time again it 11:54pm. I can't continue tossing around on my bed, can I? I ask myself.

I put on my clothes and get up from my bed, I lock the door... I did not know when I get here, how I even reach his house I did not know. Is my mind playing tricks with me. I knock on the door, I wait for some minutes but there is no response. I knock it once again and wait for some minutes.

I heard foot step and the door open only to review Liam in his short.

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