Chapter 86 have a fight

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Jace Pov

Did you miss me at all? She ask. Only if she knows how much I miss her. I miss you so much Em, I said. You don't sound so, she said and hang up the call. I let out a breathe. The DNA test results will be out today, the reason why I can't go to the army this week is because am taking over the company today and my dad's going to make it public today itself. I went to the dining room. Am not really happy, because of the way Emily talk to me, she think am neglecting her, this is the reason why I want her to quit the army because my mind won't be at peace.

I sit down with the rest of my family except Grey and we all eat quietly. When am done with my meal I walk out of there and went to the sitting room. Son let go, my dad said. The drive to the office is silent, know one said anything. You don't seem happy, is it because you are taking over the company or because of something else. Because of Emily, I said because I know my father will have something to say about it. You know you can't marry that girl, she already has two kids, my father said.

I chuckle, what If they are my kids, I said not looking at him. What did you mean, my father said surprised. I also did not Know yet but the DNA test results will be out today, I said. I don't think there is any need for that because those kids look exactly like you, I knew it, my father said happily. You shouldn't be happy because she hate me, I said. What did you mean, I thought you guys are happy, he said. I cause her a lot of pains dad, I cause her so much pains, even if those kids are mine, I don't have the gut to tell her. I said.

And my father understand everything, is she the one, that night, he ask. Yes, I answer. When we get to the company, we first have meetings with the board members, then all workers, everyone. Some look at me like they want to eat me while some look at me with fear, while some look at me with admiration. It all over the news, but I don't care, all my mind could think of is about Emily and the kids. Am now in my office signing some files when my phone ring, as soon as I pick up the call, I heard some commotion. I stand up from my sit, I went to the elevator.

When I get to the lobby, i see many of the worker gather around something or someone. What going home in here? I question. Daddy, I heard that little voice, she run to me and I carry her. She hug my neck and give me a kiss on my cheeks while Jace walk toward me. I miss you so much daddy, Jessy keep repeating the word daddy, I smile, she want them to know am their daddy. Daddy miss you so much too, I said while everyone keep looking at me with their mouth agape. What? I question, they all go to their post, while I carry Jessy and I hold Jace hand and we all went into the elevator.

When we get to my office, I sit Jessy on the sofa, and Jace also did the same. How did you guys know am here, I ask. I have my ways, Jace said. What happened? I question. Did you and Mom have a fight, Jessy said. What happened to her? I question. Because she has been crying since morning, Jessy said.

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