Chapter 10 Crawl

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Emily Pov

I hold my grandpa leg, please grandpa, I promise to take a good care of myself. he was in a deep thinking, before facing my grandma, what did you think about it? I also face my grandma with hopeful eyes. If that what she want why don't we help her, she's our granddaughter after all, Grandma said. I want you to think this through. My grandpa said with a serious face. Grandpa have already think it true.... there is know going back, my grandpa said. Yes.

Ok I will see what I can do to it.... What the name of your baby anyway my grandma ask to lighten the mood. I haven't even think of a name for him. I look over at him, to see him playing with the toys the maid get him. Jake that the name that came into my mind. Jake what a really nice name, my grandma said. Jake it's his, I said to myself. I spent the rest of my day playing with Jake, he his just so cute.

Later that Day, I bring Jake to my room, I give him a bath, before feeding him, I also went to take a bath while he play all by himself. When I went downstairs to have dinner, I carry Jake along with me. I hand him over to a maid before sitting down to eat. Few minutes later the maid bring Jake in , he his all tears. What happen to him, I ask. Nothing young miss, he did not want me to carry him, immediately I went out with him, he started crying.

I carry Jake from her, before patting his back. It ok, stop crying, I stand up and walk around with him in my arms, 10 minutes later, he already slept off. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to carry him expect you, my grandma said... I just smile at that. When am done with my meal, I went into my room, I lay Jake down on the bed to go change, but immediately I move away from him, he wake up and stared crying once again...

Hey little man, am here stop crying, I cool him down while trying to make him sleep, but all my efforts Is a waste. I carry him alone with me, to my wardrobe, I take my nightgown with me, I lay Jake on the bed and put on a movie for him on my phone, he might not know what they are doing, but he did not cry, and I went into the bathroom to change. I think he assumed he his not alone.

When I went back inside, he already slept off, I also lay down on the bed beside
Him before drifting off. The next morning when I wake up, Jake his already wild awake, I see him crawl to the end of the bed, he almost fell off, I caught him, but he laughed at me. You almost fell, I should have leave you to fell down let see maybe you can laugh at me. I throw him up before catching him, I stop my movement midway, when did he start crawling. I did not notice it. He should be five or six months old.

I look beside me, to see him playing with himself. Jake come over here, when did you start crawling, I said and start tickling him. He laughed really hard. When I stop my movement, he stretch out his hand for me to carry him.

Let give you a bath, I give him a bath, change his clothes before making his food. I feed him, I dare not put him on the bed again, the thought of him falling down scared me. I don't know how it did not happen when I leave him all alone.

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