Chapter 61 The Truth 2

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Jace Pov

I can't believe my ears, she isn't the one who give birth to Jake and you won't even know. I try calming her down. Will this little information help finding Jake real parents, she ask. Lara is about to answer her but I beat her to it. It going to help find Jake parents you should rest assume, I said. Thanks, she said with tears full eyes.

Lara look at me not knowing the reason why I cut her off. I Know it her child but firstly we need to carry out a DNA test. I can tell her grandparents already know the truth from the look on their face. Emily you should go wash your face, I tell her. Ok, she reply and stand up from her sit. When she leave the ward, I face Roy. It should be easy to find a match for him now. He shake his head yes and stand up to make some calls.

She isn't emotional stable right now, No one should tell her anything, I said facing Lara and Emily grandparents. They all shake their heads yes. The bathroom door open and Emily come out. She sit beside me and rest her head on my shoulder. Some minutes went by, when I look at her, she already slept off. I make her lay down on the sofa comfortably before standing up. I went to meet the doctor to carry out a DNA test results for Roy and Jake.

The doctor said it will take two hours for the test results to be out. How is it? I ask Roy. I already make the call, some of our relatives will be here for the test he said. Why don't will test Zoe, Lara said from behind us. I already ask the doctor, even if they are match, Zoe is not in a good health to carry out the operation, she's just recovering, Roy said. When we went back to the ward, Jake, Jace and Jessy are already their. Jake and Jessy are already fast asleep while Jace is busy on his phone.

The day went by so fast, some of Roy relatives have already been test, a boy of about ten years old, is a match for Jake, and the operation will be carry out tomorrow.... I went out to receive a call. Hey bro, I said. Where are you my brother ask. Steve is anything the problem I ask him because he doesn't sound alright. Mom and Dad want to make it public, that you are already married and you have a child, he said.

Not now, I mutter to myself. Am already stressed enough they shouldn't had to it. When did they plan to make it public I ask feeling headache. Next week, and they also plan to make a grand welcome party for your child he said. She isn't my child I said and hang up the call. Seriously, did they have to force me to a corner. Am about to go back to the ward when a nurse give me a test results saying the doctor ask her to give me.

When I open it, it show that, Jake and Roy are father and son. I let out a sign of relief. But I don't know how Emily is going to take this news, she has been the one taking care of the child since when he was a baby. How will she feel and how will Jake even react to this. I don't know why I feel stressed about all this. But one thing is for sure, that Emily will hand over Jake to his biological parents.

I feel pity for all of them, I could tell how Emily love Jake, she love him the same way she love her kids.

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