Chapter 95 Registery

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Jace Pov

I won't, I said while my secretary look at me surprised. Emily run to me and hug me really tight, you did not tell me you are coming... it a surprised, I also did not plan it, she said. We both went into my office. I sit down while she sit down on my laps. Did you miss me, she ask. I miss you so much. I said and kiss her on her lips.

When we stop, she was out of breath, let get married, I said. She look at me surprised. Why all of a sudden, she ask. Have been thinking about it ever since the day I ask you to me my girlfriend, but I knew if I tell you, you are going to say No, please bet get married, I ask her once again. She seem to be in a deep thought.

You aren't even romantic, how could you ask me to get married to you, you just sit down and tell me to get married to you, she said with a smile. When did you want us to get married, I said ignoring her question. I just want us to register our marriage nothing else, she said. Are you serious, you don't want to hold a wedding, I ask her surprised, she shake her head yes. Why don't we do it today then, I said.

OK, she agreed to it. I call my parents to meet us at the registery while she also did the same. When we all get to the registery, her grandparents wasn't satisfied with that she want but they agree to it anyway. Jace and Jessy are also present. We sign our married certificate, we take some family photos, it did not take up to 30 minutes before we were all done with everything.

We all went to a restaurant to eat, just to celebrate that we are married, I want a grand wedding for her, but if this is what she want, then so be it. When we are all done eating, we all stay outside of the restaurant, my parents and grandparents are about to leave, they all wish us the best. We are all about to leave, when, Emily, a voice call out. Everyone stop, and look back to the person who call Emily.

Emily my baby, a woman want to touch Emily but I stand in front of her and stop her from doing so. Emily my dear, don't you know me, your mother? the woman ask. Emily move me away. She look at the woman and face me, did I have a mother? I was taken aback at first but I also play along. No, you don't. What rubbish, how dear you said you don't know your mother, a man roar from beside the woman.

Emily hide behind me, and show her head a little, I really don't know you guys, she said. The woman face Emily grandparents, Mother please explain to Emily that we are, her mother. Why should we tell her that, she doesn't know you means she doesn't know you, grandma said and look away from them.

Emily look at the two of them, and said, I lost my memory, so, I don't know you as my family, I only know my grandparents and my lovely kids, she said and pull me toward her. I hold her hand and we both walk to the car. They keep calling her name, telling her how much they love her. I open the car door for her and the kids and I drive away from their.

They are going to know you lied to them... I know, I just want them to know how it feel like to be ignore, and I know they are in need of something that why they come looking for me.

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