Chapter 36 First Mission 2

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Emily Pov

He his already in position he said. What position I ask. He his a sniper, he answered. Oh! That all I could say

I start hearing the sounds of gun shot and scream. Ten minutes later they all come out looking all of their surroundings.

Jace: ok everyone ready for extraction.

Jill: in coming,,, take cover.

I don't know when I lay down on the ground, all I see is everywhere is scattered, there are so many dust and the sound of gun shot can be heard.

Drake: Leon his injured, Emily we need you now.

I went to check on Leon to see his injury, he has a steel in his shoulder.

Jace: how his he?

Emily: not good

Jace: Sherry you move first, move, Move, Move!

Jace: Jill move, Move move!

Jace: Drake you carry Leon, I will cover you. You ready...

Drake: fucking ready.

Jace: ok, move, move, move!

Jace: Ben you take the girl and also move.

Ben: Roger that.

Jace: Emily you stay on me, you stay low. You ready.

Yes.... Me and Jace also move to meet the rest, while they cover us. I thought the job is easy, when I see them coming out earlier, I think we are good to go, I never knew it will be this chaotic.

Jace: whit move, move, move!

They cover whit, for him to come meet us, but he got shot in his leg. Jace went over to carry him while the rest cover him. When he put whit down, he come to look at Leon.

Jace: you doing good buddy, real good..

Jace went back to his position, I take a look at Leon injury. I need someone to hold him back, I shouted over my shoulder.

Jill: hold where?

Emily: hold his wound and hold him back.

Jill: hey, you can't die on us, just concentrate on me, look at me. I got you buddy, I got you.

Jill keep saying with tears in her eyes, I never knew she care this much. But what am I saying, we are talking about life. Leon his loosing too much of blood, and we can't keep carrying him with a steel in his shoulder. If I remove the steel, he his going to loose too much of blood but I can still save him. But if I don't remove the steel, if they keep carrying him like this, they might injury him even further and if it mistakenly punctured his heart, there is know saving him anymore. Jill hold him back, while she keep telling him to look at her, I remove the steel from his shoulder while he cry out. I inject him... And band his shoulder to suppress the blood. We are good, I tell Jill while she went back into position. Hey, you good, I ask Leon. Better, he said.

I went to take a look at whit, it just a graze, I tell the rest and also inject him....

Drake: you are a lucky mother fucker

When Drake said that, they all laugh and chorus yes....

Jace: we're pulling back, we're going to the helicopter, on three.... Ben, whit, sherry, go, go, go.

Jace: Kim pull back.

Jace said into the SAT while they keep shooting.

Jace: Jill, Drake, Leon, fall back, go, go go,

You good, Jace ask me. Yes, I answer. He take out so many grenade at once and throw it over. When he did that, he pull me with me, and we also go into the helicopter.

And we all flew from the scene.

Jace: everyone good.

Chorus: yeah

Jace: Emily you good.

When he ask me if am good, I just look at him and said nothing. Everyone also look at me.

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