Chapter 19 Birthday 2

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Emily Pov

Mom, don't forget am not the one who hide her, he said. Ok fine, I ask gently. Where is your sister. In the kitchen I guess.

He always talk like an adult. I went to the kitchen to see Jessica eating. Jessy you are supposed to be in your room and get dressed, I shout at her. Mom don't be angry Anty Julia want me to help her taste the food, she said in her baby voice. Julia is a head chef, how come she ask this little brat of mine, to help her taste the food, I can see all the maid are holding in there laughter. You can ask Anty Julia maybe am lying, she said with a serious face.

You brat, who did you want to deceive, you know how to lie at this young age, I carry her out of the kitchen, while she keep on shouting, big bro save me, brother won't you save this little sister of yours. But I heard Jace telling Jake, she is too troublesome, while shaking his head. This little girl, she just know how to put a smile on my face. I take Jessica inside to give her a bath, but she keep talking, Mum am a big girl, I can bath myself, you don't need to trouble yourself.

You are just a foodie, if you can take care of yourself like your brothers, I won't be this worried, I said. Mom it because you did not give me the chance to prove myself, she said with both her hand on her waist. Don't tell me my baby girl is now grow up, I tease. Mom don't tell me you are just seeing it, she said. I laugh at her before dressing her up. Their birthday only consist of, me, my grandparents and the maid. That how I have being celebrating their birthday all this year's. I dress Jessy up, before going downstairs. We all sing them a birthday song. My grandparents give them gifts.

The maid's also give them gifts. Mom what did you have for us. Jessy ask. You guys are going to school starting on Monday, I said. That not a gift mom and I don't want to go to school, Jessy said. It not like they are lacking anything... That what I have for you guys, you are starting school on Monday.

She turn to face grandma. Grandma I don't like Mom gifts, she said. It ok, today is your birthday so you guys should be happy, Don't mind your mom, grandma Said. That right I won't mind Mom, because today is my birthday, she said proudly. Jake and Jessy have fun while Jace sit down alone, he his doing something on his phone.

I went to him and sit down beside him. What are you doing I asked. Mom I don't want to go to school, he said. Why is that? I question. I prefer taking my class at home, he said. What about your sister, you want her to go to school herself, I ask. Jake his their, he said. I rise by brow's Jake, I ask. I mean brother Jake his their, and moreover Mom, he only senior be by a year and some months, he said.

I don't care, he his still your brother after all. I collect his phone from him. Go have some fun, and behave like a normal kid. He stand up from his sit before saying why are girls so troublesome. Jace repeat yourself, I said. I love you mom, He said before walking away.

He behave like he his the one who give birth to me not the other way round. I check his phone to see what he his been busy doing. But am surprised when I see it. He is having online classes those for seniors class.

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