Chapter 16 Crying really hard

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Emily Pov

Jake come over here, you silly brat. He doesn't want the maid to feed him, he want me to feed him. But he has been running around, I carry his food and run behind him. Am really heavy that the reason why I can't caught him, I think this silly brat know I can't caught him, that why he want me to feed him. Just let him be, he doesn't want to eat, my grandma said. Grandma you are spoiling him, why should I let him be... Ok then go caught him... Grandma you are so based, I said grumpily and sit down on the sofa.

Jake sense am not after him anymore, he came to meet me, and laugh while calling Mama.... Mama... I want to stand up and grab him but I felt wet all over me. I look down to see my water is broke. I look over at my grandma who doesn't has her attention on me... My breath is now heavy, grandma I call. She look over to me, when she sense my discomfort, she shouted at the maid, get the doctor right now.

Everyone is in a panic, my grandma called my grandpa to come home immediately that am about to give birth. Are you sure you want to give birth at home? Why don't we go to the hospital they have all the necessary supplies, She said. No grandma, I can do it, I said and hold her hand tight, Jake isn't playing around anymore, I think he can also sense something is amiss. He came to me, and hold my hand. Mama.... Mama. I pat his head and give him a peck of on his cheeks. It being 10 minutes now and the doctor his not here.

Where the hell is the doctor, I shouted at a maid. Young miss, the doctor his here. The doctor came in with my grandpa. How are you feeling? My Grandpa ask. Grandpa am feeling terrible, I said with tears all over my face. I never knew giving birth, is really this hard. The door open and two more doctors come in. They assist me to the assigned room.

We have our family doctor and two more female doctor. You can do this one of the doctor said. I nod my head yes. Am going to count 1 to 3 when I said push, you should do it with all your might, one of the doctor said. I Know all this, because am also a doctor, but right now am not, because am a mother right now... 1.. 2.. 3. Go. Ah,,, Ah,,, You are doing good, continue pushing, you can do this, you got this, she continues encouraging me. Ah,,, Ah,,, It coming it coming, once more, once more. Ah... Ah... I felt something come out of me, but the doctors look at each other. I rise my head up, to see a baby, but he isn't crying. I felt tears at the brick of my eyes. One of the doctor carry the baby, before using a ruler to hit him a little, but known response. I couldn't hold my tears anymore and cry really hard..

The room fell quite, everyone is now looking at each other, they all shake their head, I know what that means... Let clean you up young miss, one of them said. I want to carry my baby, I ask. Your baby his ok, we got to clean him up also, our family doctor said. I look at him with anger brewing at the bottom of my chest. I want my baby now. The room went quite... I was about to say something, when I heard a cry. I look up clearly to see my baby rising up his hand and crying really hard.

I felt so happy that I tear up....

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