Chapter 91 Stop running away from home

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Emily Pov

I know who their father his. Or let me say I know their fathers, she said once again. What did you mean. You should come sit down if you really want to know, she said. I went back to my sit and sit down. The night I called you, and told you my boyfriend break up with me, it was all a lie, I paid some guys some money to sleep with you, she said with a wicked smile on her face. I shake my head, I couldn't believe what my sister just said.

You are lying, I did not go to the room you book for me. I know, it was all plan, she said. I standup from my seat and slap her really hard. She hold her cheeks, how dear you slap me, she roar. You are a monster, how could you do that to me and have the gut to say it right Infront of my face, I said with tears. You deserve it, it either you leave Jace or I tell him and his family what took place that night, you did not sleep with one person but two, she said.

That night I might be drunk but I remember it was only a person, they aren't two, like my sister could read my mind she said. Did you think it one person, they take turn having fun with you, am going to give you a week, breakup with Jace or else am going to post the sex tape of you having sex with two strangers, she said and walk out of the coffee shop. I couldn't believe my ears, my sister's my worst nightmares, she cause me all this pains. I don't know what to do, I keep crying.

I really love Jace, I don't want to leave him, but did I really have a choice right now. I couldn't go home, I book a room and stay there. It already past 7pm in the evening, my grandparents keep calling my phone, I did not pick up their calls I just text them, telling them I won't be coming home. I don't know why I can't just leave my life the way I want, I don't know why there are so many obstacles in my life, is everyone life like this or is mine just different. I was bought out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing.

I checked to see it a call from Jace, but I couldn't pick it, I stare at his name that keep showing on my screen but I couldn't pick up the call. He keep calling me, when I couldn't take it anymore I pick up his call. Hello I said try to calm my voice, have you eaten, he ask. I thought he would ask me why I wasn't picking up his call or where I am, I snapped out of my daze when he said once again. Have you eaten? yes, I lied.

You don't need to lie to me, and will you stop running away from home when you have a problem, did you know how worried everyone is, he said. Only if he knew how dirty I am. Am sorry, I said finding it hard to control my tears. I am not accepting your apologies, he said. Sorry, I said once again. Where are you, he ask. I stay silent for some time debating whether I should tell him or not.

Em, am waiting, where are yo he ask. Where are you, I ask instead of answering. Am in the middle of nowhere, he said with a scoff, I smile, I put on my clothes and come out of my room, I went to my car and start it. I did not hangup the call so did he.

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