Chapter 62 Sleep Talk

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Jace Pov

But what about Lara who have been hurting since all this years, I just don't know who to feel bad for. I hope all this get over soon. Emily grandparents already leave the hospital leaving the matter to us. I went to a restaurant to get everyone something to eat.

When the food is serve, Emily couldn't eat much same with Lara. They already found a match for Jake, I said. Oh, she just said absent-mindedly, have you found his parents, she ask me in a timely voice. What will you do if we found them, I ask her. She couldn't reply me and continue eating her food. Emily you know you have to let go, I told her. Hmm, she hum with tears in her eyes.

I pull her into my embrace, please Em, I said. I know, have also been trying to know who his parents might be, why won't I let go if you find them, it just really hard to do, but I promise to try, she said and clean her tears. Everyone mood is downcast. When we are down eating, Lara and Roy went back to Zoe ward. A maid have come from the Brock's mansion to take Jace and Jessy home, they both don't want to leave but Emily persuade them to leave.

It only remains me, Emily and Jake in the ward, Jake is already fast asleep while Emily sit down on the sofa doing nothing. Em, I called her. She rise up her head and look into my eyes. You don't need to be told she has been crying since morning, from how red her eyes balls are, you could guess she has been crying for long. I sit down beside her and make her rest her head on my shoulder.

You don't need to worry, he his going to be ok, have already invite the best doctor for the operation tomorrow, we have already did the hardest part, that is finding a match for him, you should also have a little hope in Jake, he his a fighter, he his going to make it, you don't need to worry. Thanks Jace, she said in a crack voice. I part her head. You should also stop crying please, it really Break my heart when you cry, I said trying to lighten her mood.

But I guess it didn't work. I make her stand up from her sit, and sit her down on my laps. She sit down facing me while I put my hands on her waist. We keep looking at each other not saying anything. I pull her to me even more. When she said nothing, I capture her lips with mine. She didn't respond to the kiss, she didn't even close her eyes, I can tell that, she isn't happy right now.

I use my hand to cover her face while continue kissing her. I know this isn't the right time but she need a distraction. I feel her wrapping her hands around my neck, she also kiss along, I could feel her emotion true the kiss, she isn't herself right now. The kiss continue for a while untill I feel she isn't kissing me anymore, when I look at her, she's already fast asleep.

I let out a chuckle, seriously? I make her rest her head on my shoulder in a comfortable manner. Jace, I like you please don't leave me, I heard her say. What did you say, I lower my head to look at her face but she's still sleeping. Did she just said she like me and she said something about not leaving her, why will I leave her in the first place, she doesn't sleep talk, this isn't the first time we slept together but this is the first time she sleep talk, am really happy.

I guess she's really stressed.

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