Chapter 13 celebration

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Emily Pov

Why is my question a stupid one. Why isn't it, if we send her abroad, who is going to take care of her, my grandma said. I just look on, I never knew there's still some people who really care about me. They want to continue the argument, but I stop them. Grandpa, grandma both of you should stop, If I can't stay here, am going to tell you guys. But for now am staying. That really good, my grandma said, proud of herself.

I stay with my grandparents at the mansion, they are really of great help, I felt irritated some times, and Jake his always their to put that smile on my face. I did not leave the mansion, even if I need to do some check up, Grandpa always call his doctor to check on me, I feel embarrassed to go outside. I haven't even step out of the mansion ever since the day I step in, I always do some exercise at home. Jake will be one Year old, tomorrow, he already started walking even if he fall down so many times, and he also knows how to say the word mama.

I just love him so much, am 6 months gone. My grandparents want me to do a scan, to know either it a girl or boy, my grandma want a boy, while my grandpa want a girl. My grandma said girl are too troublesome. While my grandpa said boy, won't listen to you, they will always do what they want... They always argue about it all the time. I just leave them, to themselves.

I was brought out of my thoughts, when I heard that baby voice of my Jake calling mama. He run towards me, I carry him and rise him up. Hey little man, where are you coming from, he laughed at me and call mama again. I kiss him on his cheeks before putting him down. My grandparents walk in, don't you think it high time, you should go shopping for your baby clothes. Grandma the maid can handle that, it really a stress going shopping. Am Too lazy, I said.

It Jake birthday tomorrow what did you plan to do for him, my grandpa ask. Nothing serious, I will just get him a cake, and we can celebrate it among ourselves, there isn't any need to call anyone. We chart for some time, before my grandparents went inside.

Know one from my family give me a call, ever since that day, I know to them am just a disgrace. Not even my so called sister give me a call. When am done with dinner, me and Jake went inside, we still sleep together but after his birthday tomorrow, he his going to start sleeping in his own room.

The next day, I wake up and went to take my bath, I really take my time, ever since my baby bump his now big, I just feel like am carrying four kids with me, I walk way too slow and I eat for five people. You can't blame me it pregnant hormones.

When am done with mine, I went to wake Jake up, he his still sleeping, when I give him a bath, he cry true it. I dress him up, before going downstairs. As soon as we reach downstairs, we heard everyone singing a birthday song, Jake who his still crying, stop crying and look on amazed. He might not know what his happening, but he also smile, laugh and clap his hand when everyone did it. He his just so cute. I hold his hand when cutting the cake. Everyone including the maid's, we eat dance and have fun. The only thing I did is eat.

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