Chapter 76 My Girlfriend

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Emily Pov

Emily will you just cut the crap and tell me what exactly is going on, he shouted and I feel scared, he hasn't even know I was raped and he his this angry, what if he knows, will he also see me as what those girls called me. I won't cry No Matter what he said at least not in front of him. Have you been crying? He ask. I stand up from my sit and sit down on his laps. Babe have not have anything since morning and am hungry now, I said in his embrace.

He look taken aback but composed himself, this isn't going to stop me from asking you what happen but let feed this stomach first, he said and carry me with him. He wanted to carry me out of the room but I stop him. I tell him to put me down, he didn't want to at first but he later did. I hold his hand, and we both walk out of my room. Even though I got so many stares, especially the girls who look at me with disdain. I lower my head not having the gut to rise my head up. I was bought out of my mind when I heard Jace said, I want you to assembly everyone, I thought he was talking to me but when I raise up my head and look at him, I see, he is on the phone.

We need to go somewhere first, he said and drag me with him not waiting for my reply. When we are going, I heard, lieutenant Jace want everyone to assembly themselves in the hall right now, I think someone is saying into some mic, but I can't find the person you can only see everyone leaving what they are doing and run towards the place they call hall, I haven't been their before, it my first time going there, I look at the man beside me who seem cold my every passing minutes. This is not the Jace I know, am even scared of him. Wait, he his the one who ask someone to assembly everyone, his he going to break up with me, right in front of everyone.

His hold on my hand is tight, he his holding my hand too tight. I don't know why I can't even say anything, my voice is been muff. I look at him while he walk towards the place I think it the hall. It been more than ten minutes since we have been walking, when we get to the place called the hall, everyone is already here. Jace walk to the front, still hold my hand while everyone in the hall salute him. Someone give him a mic.

Am going to announce this to everyone, he said. Am already shaking, because I know the reason why he brought me here, I try pulling myself together, and I make up my mind for what he his going to say. He clear his throat. She's my girlfriend, her name is Emily, she's is my joy, my world, my life and the purpose of my living, she means the world to me, if you are against her, you are against me. I choose who I want to be with, I don't want what happened today to repeat itself. AM I CLEAR, HE SAID IN HIS COMMANDER TONE. YES SIR. THEY ALL CHORUS. While I look at him flabbergasted. He pull me to him and kiss me right Infront of everyone. The kiss is slow and sweet, have never felt this sweetness. I could hear some noises, but I guess am not myself anymore or am no longer in this world.

All I could think about is how disappointed he his going to be, when he found out. He trusts me so much, he think highly of me, while am ashamed of myself.

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