Chapter 79 Truth

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Jace Pov

I don't know how to say this, but I just want to let it all out, she said now facing me. She has tears all over her face while I also try controlling mine. Emily can you please say it some other time, I ask. I don't think I will ever have the courage to tell you if I don't say it now, she said. I new it, she already make up her mind. Am ashamed of myself, she said. I hold her hands. I understand, you don't need to be ashamed of yourself. I said finding it hard to control my tears.

You don't understand, she said. Only if she knows I already know what she want to tell me, I already understand her. You can break up with me after hearing this, what ever your answer maybe am going to respect it all, she said. Wait, isn't she planning on breaking up with me, then what, I ask myself. I wait for her to continue but when she didn't, I pull her into my embrace, you don't have to say it if you don't want to, I said but wait, Emily you are drunk, I ask because I can smell it all over her.

I know, I won't be able to tell you, that why I have a little drink, and I want to tell you myself, I don't want you founding out from outsiders, and I will respect your decision, she said. That means whatever she's going to tell me is something serious. Ok am all ear, I said while she pull out of my embrace. On the night of my final year, my friends ask me out, but I turn them down because I want to go home to me with Jake and they aren't really my friends, they just pretend to be.

I did not went out with them, I went home, on getting home, I feed Jake give him a bath and I also did the same, am about to sleep when I get a call from my sister, she said her boyfriend broke up with her. I wanted to ask her what happen, but she hang up the call and sent me a text message, it the FIT Club. I know my sister don't like me, but she need me right now, I did not think twice before going. When she said that, she take a deep breath. She's really crying hard right now and I couldn't take it. Emily that enough please stop, it already in the past, I said.

She shake her head known, I don't want my past to haunt me anymore I don't want anyone to use it against me, I don't want them to threaten me about my past. It might be my past but it still part of me, she said. When I get there, she's really hearts broken. She ask me to drink with her, I get drunk and I couldn't go home, my sister give me a room card, she said, she already book a room for me. I stand up from there and went to the room my sister book for me, but I stand in front of a wrong room.

I checked the card my sister give me, it says, room 204 while I stand in front of room 206, am about to leave the place, when the door was open all of a sudden, someone pull me in. Emily, I wanted to stop her, but she shake her head known. I won't have the courage to tell you ever again if I don't say it now, please don't stop me anymore, I know I said I will respect your decision, but I don't really know if I will, she said with all tear's.

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