Chapter 67 What did you want?

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Jace Pov

When Emily see that she's about to cry, she move closer to her and said. Did you forget that big girls don't cry. Mom am still a baby, am not a big girl, she said already crying. Emily look surprised when she said she isn't a big girl. Jessica, Emily call in a warning tone. She hold my hand and cry even more. Daddy please don't go, she said.

Emily remove her hands from mine and make her sit on the sofa, but I couldn't take it. I sit down back on the sofa. Can I take her along with me? I ask and Jessy also look at her hopefully. No, she said not sparing me a glance. When she said No, Jessy tears fall down even more. And I feel headache looking at her crying like that. Mom just let Dad take her, she's troublesome anyway we will have some days rest, Jace said trying to help Jessy.

Don't think I don't know your tactic, she said not buying Jace words. Why don't you want me to take her with me? I question. Not getting what she mean by not allowing Jessy to follow me. She look into my eyes before looking down. I keep looking at her waiting for a response. Some minutes pass before she said. Because your parents don't want me.

How did you know they don't, I ask her. Because they call my grandparents and tell them to warn me to stay away from you, she said still not looking at me. And what your decision? I ask looking at her. What did you think? She ask back. You don't plan on staying away from me because if you want to, you will have do that, I said. Part of it is what you said, but the main part is, if you don't want me to be your girlfriend anymore, she said. You will always be my girlfriend, I said.

I move closer to her and give her a peck on her cheeks. I promise to take care of Jessy and don't worry nothing is going to happen to her, I said holding Emily hand in mine. Ok, she said and Jessy give her a peck saying thanks Mom. When I look at Jace, I can tell he also want to come with me, but he said nothing, maybe he want to be with Emily.

I hold Jessy hand and we walk out of the ward. Daddy carry me, Jessy said. And I comply. I sit her down at the back seat and fasten her seat belt. I went to the driver sit and drive off. It only take me some minutes to get to the old mansion. I did not tell anyone that am coming, not even my brothers. I park the car. When I get to the back seat, Jessy is already fast asleep.

I carry her and walk inside. When I get to the sitting room all head's turn my way. I see a woman in her late 20 I think, sitting on a sofa and a little girl around 5 or so sitting beside her. Jace you are back, my mom said. Take her to my room, I said to a passing maid. When the maid carry Jessy from me, she open her eyes immediately calling out in a crying voice, Daddy.

Everyone seem surprised, they look at me with wide eyes. I carry Jessy from the maid hand. Daddy is here, I try cooling her. She rub her eyes and look at me, daddy have we reach your house she ask. Yes, we've reached, I said. Ok, she said and rest her head on my shoulder before sleeping off. The lady look at me with fear in her eyes, I sit down on the sofa and ask. What did you want?

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