Chapter 46 Be my girlfriend

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Jace Pov

When I wake up the next morning, I feel refreshed, I think I have an amazing night. I went to take my shower, when am done, I put on my clothes before going out. I branch at KFC to get them some breakfast. When I check the time it just past seven in the morning.

I also buy so many food because I don't know what they like eating. On getting to the ward, I knock, I open the door when know one answered. I walk in to see everyone is still sleeping. I set the table, some minutes later, Emily wake up. What are you doing here? She question.

Good morning, I reply her. She want to continue talking when I said, you get some drool on your cheeks, she did not wait for me to continue talking before running into the bathroom. I breath out, if you want a girl to keep quiet just tell her that she's drooling.

At that very moment she's going to keep quiet. I look over at the bed, to see a beautiful girl laying on the bed, I think she fell sick because of those arm robbery scene that happens yesterday. The bathroom door open and Emily walk out. She sit down on the bed not saying anything.

We both sit down not talking to each other. Mom good morning... Good morning baby how are you feeling? She ask the little girl. Am fine, mom I want a hug, the girl said wrapping her hands around Emily neck already.

Emily hug her back. The girl look at me with a surprise eyes, she said something into Emily ear, I couldn't hear her, but I can see the blush on Emily face. Is that what you have been learning in school, she ask the little girl. Jake and Jace are already awake right now.

They both greet Emily good morning and they also greet me. Mom am hungry, the little girl said. Emily said something into her ear, and the girl look at me before asking, uncle am hungry, am quite surprised.

You are free to eat, I bought everything for you guys, really she ask happily. Really, I reply. She want to come eat when Emily stop her, go brush your teeth, she said.

They all went to brush their teeth, Emily want to follow them but I stop her by standing in front of her. What? She ask irritated. You look pretty when you angry, I said and she blush.

Emily please be my girlfriend, I said. I can't, she said while shaking her head. I hold her hands in mine and ask. Why? She said nothing for some time before opening her mouth and said, because, but she was stop by a little voice.

Uncle are you romancing my mom, the little girl said. Emily remove her hands from mine and face the little girl. Who taught you that? She ask. A friend of mine said if two strangers hold hands that means they are romancing each other. I crouch down to the girl level and ask.

What your name? My name is Jessica but I like it when they call me Jessy, she said. I chuckle. Ok Jessy don't you want me to romance your Mom? I ask. Uncle you are pretty so you are free to romance my Mom, she said.

Jessy, you little devil, Emily want to beat her but Jessy wrapped her hands around my neck and said uncle save me. I prevent Emily from beating her and said even your kids want us to be together, please just say yes.

Mommy say Yes, Jessy also cheers. Emily shake her head and went to sit down on the hospital bed.

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