Chapter 80 Kill Him

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Jace Pov

I wanted to shout for help, but the person did not give me the opportunity, he cover my mouth. He takes my dignity, my pride, he take the only thing am proud of, he run my life, he make me hate myself. I feel ashamed, disdain, useless, disgusting and helpless. My parents make me hates my beauty while he make me hate myself. I listen to her, while she pour out her mind, I also felt pity for her but I did not show it. She started cough, while I try calming her down, I give her water to drink to help her with the cough. When she finished drinking, she continues.

The time flew, and it like nothing happen, I did not tell my parents because they will never believe me, when they found out am pregnant, they want to abort my babies, I cry, beg them to let me go, but they never listen to me, because they thought I was a stain in there life, they said I bring shame to them, they hate me with passion and that make me hate myself even More. When my grandparents found out, they save me.

I know they will have look into what happen at the hotel that night because I explain it to them, but I guess they found nothing, it like the person never exist. I stay at home for good Nine months because I was ashamed of going out. I couldn't even step out of the house. She said and raise up her head, she look into my eyes, I will respect your decision if you want to break up with me, she said. I pull her into my embrace, I love you and I will always love you.

Did you forget what I told you, I ask but she said nothing. I will always be with you even if the own world is against you, I said and kiss her. I kiss her tears away, I kiss her slowly trying to take her pains way. The kiss continue, I don't know how I feel right now, but one thing is for sure, when I find that bastard, am going to kill him. He doesn't need to take responsibility for her kids, because I won't let him. He causes her so many pains, and am going to let him pay.

I snapped out of my mind when I heard Emily said, let go home. Ok, I said. I can tell she's sleepy. I drive, the drive is silent, no one said anything, I keep looking at her from time to time. By the time we get back to the camp, she's already fast asleep. I pack the car, and carry her out of the car. I went inside, I did not take her to her room, I went to my own house.

I lay her down on the bed and went out of the room. I need to find that bastard who cause my Emily so much pains. I take my phone and call Grey. Bro have your friend girlfriend broken up with him yet, he ask. Shut up, I said coldly. Hmm.. I want you to help me investigate what happen to Emily Brock five years ago at the FIT Club I said. That our club, he said. I wasn't asking you if it our or not, am give you two days to investigate what happen, or else you will be the one who get married instead of Steve.

You don't have to worry, I will get it done, he said and I hangup. Grey his the one in charge of FIT Club, that why I ask him to investigate it. I need to know who that bastard his and if I do, I can't help imagine what am going to do to him.

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