Chapter 65 Telling him the truth

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Emily Pov

When he said that, I feel touch. I kiss his forehead, thanks baby. I clear my throat, Jake I want to tell you that, am not... I stop not knowing how to put it in words for him to understand. Jace Miller and my kids look at me. Jace Miller stand up from his sit and stand beside me. Jake, you know she love you, he ask. While Jake shake his head yes. Will you ever blame her, he ask once again.

I will never blame Mom, he said. That good, she isn't the one who give... Stop, I stop Jace and pull him with me out of the ward. That not the way to tell him, I said. What way did you think is good to tell him, he said. Don't interfere, I will tell him myself, I Said and went inside. Jake let me tell you a story, I said and he shake his head ok. I sit down beside him on the bed, and I Pat his hair while saying.

When I was in my finer year, I went to party, on my way from club, I received a call from my Mom, she scored me telling me to come home, am about to start the car and go home but I heard a gun shot, I stay in my car because I was scared of been seen. Some minutes went by, when I heard nothing I get down of my car and went to the place the gun was shot. I found two dead bodies. I was really scared.

Am about to go back to my car when I found a basket. I keep telling him the story, I know Jake his sharp so as Jace they will have get what am trying to say. But I continue telling the story. On the day my grandparents save me from going true my abortion that my parents want me to. I went to the farm house to carry the baby. My grandparents ask me the name of the baby, and I haven't think of a name for him, I name him the first name that come into my mind.

What name? Jessy ask. I let out a breath, all she knows is how to eat, must she ask questions or did she think am just telling story. But I answered anyway. Jake, I name the baby Jake. I try looking for his parents but I did not know who his parents is. They also try looking for their baby but they couldn't found him, but they never give up, they keep looking for him. Have they found him? Jessy ask once again while Jace Miller try holding his laughter.

Yes they found him, I answer but that after so many years. Where is the baby? And how did they found him? Jessy keep asking. Well it your brother Jake, I said. She just realized it. Oh! She said and keep quiet. Jake hug me and keep crying, it also break my heart, to see him like this. I Patt his back, it ok they really Miss you, I said while he keep shaking his head.

Who are they? Jace ask. Zoe parents, I said. Jessy and Jake look surprised while Jace doesn't seem faze. Did you know, I ask him. I heard you guys when you tell them about how you found Jake, he said. And? I ask. When Zoe parents leave, I heard her Mom crying and saying my baby, he said.

Jessy clap her hands, that really great, it will be easy for my brother to marry your sister then, brother Jake I know you won't make things hard for him, Jessy said which lighten everyone mood.

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