Chapter 22 Mom don't worry

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Emily Pov

I walk out of the study room, I went to Jessica room but I can't find her, so I went to Jace room, when I open the door, I see the three of them, on the bed already asleep, they don't sleep together, so why tonight. Jessy always want her privacy and Jace don't want to be disturb. While Jake his ok with everything.

I went near the bed and give them a kiss on their forehead. am about to go out when I heard Mom you don't have to worry, am going to take care of them. Jake why aren't you asleep yet, I ask. Waiting for you, he replied. My baby is now grow up, I kiss his forehead. I know you are going to take care of them and don't always give in to Jessica. I we try...

That my baby boy, it already late you should go to sleep, have a lovely night... And you Mom, he give me a peck before laying down to sleep. I walk out of their room to mine. When I get inside, I went to take a shower... I use the dryer to dry my hair. I lay down on the bed when am done.

It not like I can't work in the city hospital, but so many people might know me, and if a person see me, most of them will know, they will start asking some stupid question, and I don't have the time for that. I know it will be hard to be a doctor in the army, it might be hard, because I will have to go to the battlefield with them, but I guess I will get use to it...

I went to sleep thinking about so many things, I have been keeping my eyes on the news ever since I found Jake, maybe his family will post it, but they did not. Those Rich people really have a complicated family. I went to sleep, but I couldn't have a good night sleep because am always worried about my kids, I don't know if I should leave them, but I guess am going to, I can't just always rely on my grandparents, I know they aren't complaining, but I don't like it......

The next morning, I feel my bed dim, Mom wakeup, why are you still in bed. I open my eyes to see Jessica sitting on my stomach, I look around the room to fine Jake and Jace sitting on the couch. Jessica give me a kiss on my cheeks. Mom good morning. I ruffles her hair, good morning. Mom good morning, Jake and Jace said. Good morning, how was your night. Good.... Let me go take my bath, I will be back in some minutes...

Mom don't worry take your time, she said. I look at Jessica, don't tell me you guys are up to something. Known, Jessica said way too fast... I went to take my bath, some minutes later, when am done, immediately I open the door, they stop whatever they were doing... I know you guys are up to something, it better be something good, I said. Mom rest assumed... We all went downstairs to have breakfast. Mom when are you leaving Jessy ask...

Tomorrow, I should leave today but I want to take you guys to school, it your first day at school anyway. Mom are you going to come the next weekend, Jessy, ask. Sure, am going to come, stop talking and eat your food. I know they are not happy, Jake and Jace might not say anything but I know deep down they are sad. They just don't want me to feel bad. When we are done eating, I sit down on the sofa, while Jessy sit down on my laps, Jake and Jace sit down beside me. I Know they are all taking my leaving seriously....

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