Chapter 89 A lots of pains

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Jace Pov

When my brother leave my room, I went to take a shower, when am done I put on my clothes and take my car key, I went out of my room. I went to the parking lot, and drive off. I don't know how am feeling right now. They are my kids, am happy because they aren't someone else child but mine, but at the same time am sad because I cause her a lot of pains. It only take me some few minutes before getting to the Brock's mansion.

I went straight to Emily room to see her still sleeping. I lay down beside her on the bed and make her rest her head on my chest. Am happy it wasn't someone else that night, it was Emily but I don't know if even she's going to forgive me. The night went by so fast. The next morning when I wake up, Emily still have her head on my chest, Emily, I called out. Good morning, she said not raising up her head from my chest.

I take my phone and check the time, it almost seven. Em. Yes, she answer. I need to go home, when I said that, her hand tighten around my waist while she keep resting her head on my chest. I breath out, I need to use the restroom, I said. She did not want to let go at first but she did. I stand up from the bed and went to use the restroom, if she finds out am her worst nightmares, I wonder if she will still be this clingy.

When I come out of the bathroom I found her busy on her phone talking to someone. I sit down and hug her. Ok, I will be there, she said. Who's that? I question. My sister, she said. I thought you guys don't get along well, so why are you meeting her, I ask. She said we should talk, I don't know what she want to talk about but I still want to go anyway, she said. Be care, I said. Knowing well what are sister is capable of doing. I put on my clothes from yesterday.

Thank you, she said. For what, I ask. For staying, she said. Mm-mmm, I sign before walking out of her room. Where are the kids, I ask a maid. They are in the parking lots, the driver want to take them to school, she said. Ok, I said and walk out of the sitting room. When I get to the parking lot, Jace call out to me. Dad. He doesn't really call me much, but I think when he did now, I felt something, something different. Daddy good morning, Jessy shout out. Good morning guys, going to school already, I ask. Yes, Jessy reply.

I will drop them, you can leave I told the driver, ok sir, he said and leave. Are you really dropping us Jessy ask. Yes I am. I take them to my car and sit them in the back sit, I fasten their seat belt before going to the driver sit. The drive with Jessy was never silent because she will always have something to say. Daddy how is Mom now, she ask. She's fine, I said. Oh that good she said and clap her hands.

I park my car in the school premises, and open the car door for them. I carry Jessy while Jace walk my himself. I take them to the teacher standing outside the school premises, probably the teacher who is to monitor that the kids her off to their classes. I hand over the kids to the teacher. Bye daddy Jessy call out and wave, I wave back and make an attempt to go back to my car when a teacher stop me.

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