Chapter 58 Bone transplant

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Emily Pov

Is something bothering you, I ask instead of answering him. Nothing he said and look up the stairs. Jessy, Jake and Jace all walk down the stairs. Daddy let go Jessy said. Ever since she started calling Jace Miller daddy, she's happy. I can tell how happy she's. Even Jace who doesn't show it, I can see it on his face.

He open the car door for the kids before setting them in, I open the door myself and close it, while he went to the driver sit. Where to, he ask the kids before starting the car. Why don't we go to the beach, Jessy said. I smile, she never run out of where to go. Yes let go to the beach Jace and Jake agreed.

He start the car and we went to the beach. It doesn't take long before we get to the beach. Daddy carry me, Jessy shouted. Jace Miller carry Jessy and Jace on his shoulder while me and Jake run after them. We have a lot of fun. Jessy and Jace Miller face me Jace and Jake. They pour water on us while we did the same, Jace Miller and Jessy pursue me, Jake and Jace by the beach side. When it was afternoon, I lay down some clothes for us to sit on. And I serve the food we bought with us.

We're still eating when Jake fainted, I thought he was playing, when I check on him, I found he isn't breathing, even though am a Doctor, I panic immediately. What happen to him Jace Miller ask. I don't know, I said with a shaking voice. He carry him immediately and run towards the car, Jace hold Jessy hand while they also run behind us. I couldn't stop my tears, I sit down in the front sit while Jace Miller put Jake on my laps.

I did not even check on my kids. But I know Jace Miller won't leave them behind. He come to the driver sit and drive off, I think he did not care about the traffic lights he just speed off, some minutes later we reach the City hospital. I went into the hospital not waiting for Jace Miller to caught up. Some nurse and doctor carry Jake away from me. I couldn't stop my tears, I don't know what to do, I just keep pacing around while Jessy keep crying.

Your brother his ok, nothing happen to him, it just a fever. I heard Jace Miller telling Jessy. How I wish that every thing is okay. Did something happen, we heard from behind us. I turn around to see it Roy and Lara, I just look at them with tears full eyes. Roy face Jace Miller, what going on, he ask. The doctor haven't said anything yet, Jace Miller said. You don't need to worry, he his going to be okay, Lara said trying to cheer me up. But am not buying that, because I No if it nothing serious the doctor will have been out by now.

Minutes turn into hours, some hours went by and we heard the door open and the doctors come out, what happen to my baby I ask. He has bone marrow, He need bone transplant. He his still a child, to find a match for him will be a problem or we can test his brother or sister maybe they can be a match for him, the doctor said. They weren't even related how can they be a match, I thought to myself. I couldn't control my tears, only if I know which family he came from.

When the doctor see that am not saying anything, there is another two solution he, said. What, I ask hopefully. I wait for him to say something....

I know you are going to find some mistake about the bone marrow, am not a doctor. Everything is just my imagination.

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