Chapter 28|| Remus, I know.

Start from the beginning

"Welcome, some of you may know me, others who don't, you will get to know me. I don't share my name for personal reasons. We will start the term with the crystal ball, any questions?" she asked, that left me extremely confused.

When no one raised their arms to question, she flicked her hand as if to say get on with it, and everyone in the class turned to their crystal balls. "That was interesting," Peter whispered. James muttered something only Sirius could hear, and Madam Zeroni stood behind him with a sudden swish of her cloak. 

She said crisply, "I am not a lunatic dear, and be careful, your future is clouded. Mr Black, do not put your trust in a friend. Mr Pettigrew, you are warned. Miss Pattinson, some people fall in love with the wrong kind of people, do not make that mistake."

She was gone as suddenly as she came and Peter gaped at her, I blinked, thinking her message through. Who on earth would I fall in love with that was the wrong person, because it obviously wasn't a Slytherin. I hate most of them. Besides, I was still young, and I had my entire life ahead of me, why do I need to worry about that now?

Sirius could obviously put trust in a friend, or many friends, and James must have a good future, he's a bright, smart, good person. What was Peter warned about? There had to be a hidden meaning in there that no one could guess. Also, how did she know us by our names?

"Bloody hell, that was cheerful," Sirius said. Wasn't it just. I looked at the crystal ball that was just full of fog, no hidden meaning or picture, nothing in the ball, no shadows. I'm sure everyone else was thinking the same thing, there was nothing to look at in the room except each other. Everything else was old, boring or none existent. 

"I'm sure this just means it's going to be a foggy day today, or tomorrow, or another day," James murmured. 

"Well done genius," Peter said sarcastically.

Back at the Great Hall for break, I placed myself down in between Mary and Alice while they were talking about their lessons. I found out that they were both doing Divination too, and I heard that they got predictions each from Zeroni too. Apparently, Alice was going to be happy but never know it, and Mary was going to live a half fulfilled life and leave the one she loves behind.


"She's a ball of sunshine, right?" Mary asked as she retold the story again whilst Lily sat in front of her. Lily laughed lightly, "That's why you take Ancient Runes with Remus," she sounded much happier with her subject than we were. 

"Got any homework?" Sirius asked Remus, leaning across the table to ask him, a fork in one hand, James' ear in the other. 

"Get off me you arse," James complained. 

Remus looked up from his textbook on Ancient Runes and spared the two a quick glance. He sighed, shaking his head and then looked at me, nodding slightly. I gave him a comforting smile, I was still going to be his friend, we all were.

He was about to say something but caught his breath and changed subject, picking his book back up and saying, "There's a sentence here in Latin and I'm not sure what it means." I knew he wasn't going to say anything, he would tell everyone, or just someone when he's ready and judging by his reaction to me finding out he's a werewolf earlier, now wasn't the time. 

Sirius let go of James' ear and placed his fork down, taking the book and reading it. Sirius translated quickly for Remus, "Prejudice is what fools use for reason." The whole table stared at him, and Mary clapped with an impressed look on her face. 

I was surprised that he could read Latin and so, I voiced that thought, "You can read Latin?" The boy in question held a smug look on his face, he sat up straighter and was going to brag, but James said, "Forget that, you can read?!"

Sirius turned to him and gave an icy stare, and muttered as everyone was laughing, "That was cold Potter, freezing." James shrugged and now he was the one that looked proud of himself, he even glanced down the table to check if Lily was laughing. She was, but only slightly, as if chuckling at his joke would be the end of the world and it would mean she confessed her love for him. 

It was cute to watch in a way.

After that, and two more lessons (DADA and Arithmancy - the others had different lessons), it was lunch, which I had been waiting for for two hours. I was hungry and very bored, third year was not everything it was cracked up to be by the Prewett twins. 

However, we could sneak out occasionally with James' cloak, and we could go to Hogsmeade very legally this year. It was going to be harder. but a lot more fun, with a lot more freedom, and then there was the matter that Quidditch would start up again soon.

"Hey guys, how did the class go? Did you have Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures?" I asked Peter, James and Sirius. All three of them nodded, and myself and Remus, who had come from Arithmancy, sat next to them. Peter started rambling about his Professor Kettleburn and how he'd lost multiple fingers and toes from the job. 

I put down my fork with chicken on it, and instead took a sip of water. Delightful to hear whilst you're eating, especially when eating chicken. The unruly Marauders changed the subject to how Muggles used something called automobile vehicles.

Muggles interested me, but not enough so that I wanted to learn about them, instead, I was half content with the subjects I'd picked. If I ever wanted to learn about anything to do with Muggles or what something did, I could ask a Muggleborn, or the Professor, or maybe even a half blood. There was multiple other options, but with what I'd picked, it was hard to find out anywhere else.

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