Anger Issues

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Request by Ilustforyoureyes: y/n gets into this very big fight with a girl at a bonfire and as jj walks over y/n starts to kick the girls ass and than jj stands there in shock not knowing what to do but ends up pulling her up


The end of year bonfire happens to be the biggest party of the summer in the outer banks. And I couldn't think of a better place to introduce the world to my girlfriend.

Y/n moved to the outer banks at the beginning of the summer, when I met her the first thought that popped into my head was this is the most beautiful girl in the world. It took me two months to work up the courage to ask her out. Thank god she said yes.

She is so quiet, it scared me at first, but after the first few dates I realized that there is a lot more to her than what she presents to the world. And I love it.

We walked down toward the bonfire hand and hand, following behind the rest of our friends. Thank god they like her as much as I do. I love the fact that the girl I want to spend all my time with is beloved by my best friends in the world.

"Ready for your first bonfire babe" I say, guiding her toward the fire.

"As ready as I'll ever be" she smiles as I pull her along.

As soon as we get down there I grab us a few drinks and the party official gets started. We spent most of the night dancing and just having a good time.

After a while we split up, y/n goes over to hang out with Kie and Sarah and me and the boys go out for a night swim. Kind of a tradition we have.

We were only in the water for like ten minutes before we were freezing our asses off.

"God I forgot how cold that water can get" Pope complains as we make our way back to the party.

"Yeah I know bro, it's like the arctic out there" I laugh as I shake the water out of my hair and slip my tee shirt back on.

"Woah what's going on up there" I heard John B say from in front of us, that's when I noticed a big crowd by the fire.

"I have no idea" I shrug as we quickly make our way up the shore.

The boys and I push our way through the crowd to see what all the commotion is about, then I see it.

It's a girl fight, wait, that's my girl.

Y/n is full on fighting some other chick. I have no clue what to do, this isn't something I thought I would see. I literally freeze in my tracks, I can hear Kie and Sarah yelling at y/n to cut it out, but she just kept going.

The noise from the crowd was drowned out by the sound of y/n throwing the other girl on the ground. That's what snapped me out of my trance.

I ran over and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend and practically had to pry her off of this other girl.

"Babe calm down" I whisper in her ear as she tries to fight out of my grasp. I hoped my words would soothe her but it was no use.

"JJ put me down" she yells

"Not going happen" I sigh as I carry her toward the van.

We finally got over there and I put her down in the back seat of the car. It's the first time I actually saw her face. There is blood running down her cheek and her hair is a mess, I don't even want to imagine what the other girl looks like.

She was still pissed, I felt myself drift back into my trance as I looked over her wounds, running my thumb over her bruised and bleeding cheek.

She swatted my hand away, still fuming.

"Y/n what the hell was that" John B said as he and the rest of our friends made their way to the van.

"Nothing," She muttered under her breath.

John B shook his head and turned his attention to Kie and Sarah since they were with her. It almost looked like the girls didn't want to rat y/n out, but if she wasn't going to talk someone needed too.

"Well" I asked, looking over at the girls, who gave each other a look before giving in.

"That girl saw you and y/n together earlier and she started to brag about how you guys have hooked up before" Kie started to explain before I sighed looking over at my girlfriend who was pissed.

"She started to say that you were probably cheating on y/n because you don't do relationships and that she didn't even know what you saw in y/n" Sarah finished explaining.

"What a bitch" I heard pope mutter under his breath. He wasn't wrong.

I turned my attention back to my girlfriend and tried to reassure her but she avoided my gaze and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Can we just go" she finally spoke up.

The whole way back the chateau no one said and word and y/n refused to look at me. As soon as we got back she went straight to the bathroom, and slammed the door in my face.

I knocked on the door and all she said was to go away. After a few minutes of trying I walked into the living room and sat down with my friends letting out a loud sigh.

"Bro your girl is something else" John B said gaining an disapproving look from the girls.

"She had every right, that girl was way out of line" Sarah speaks up.

"JJ did you ever think that would happen?" Pope asks curiously

"Honestly no, I mean she's so quiet. There has to be more to it" I rub my hands over my eyes.

Then I hear the bathroom door open and see y/n make her way into my room. I hop up and follow her, this time she doesn't slam the door.

She sits down on my bed and I walk over and squat down in front of her placing my hands over hers.

"I'm sorry" she almost whispers, that's when I notice the tears pooling in her eyes.

I pull her into my arms as she breaks down into my body. I run my hands up and down her back trying to calm her down, and eventually I do.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I say, still comforting her. "I just had no idea that you had that in you"

She sighs and looks up at me, "It's not like I advertise to people that I have slight anger issues"

I can't help but crack a little smile. "It's not funny JJ" she says

"I know, but it was really really hot" I chuckle

She looks up with a disapproving smile, and I lean in a place a small kiss on her lips.

I can feel her smile back into the kiss. We eventually fall asleep in each other's arms, I guess there is a lot I still need to learn about my girl. But I've got time. 

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