they don't know about us

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"Y/n!" Kie yelled from the other side of the bathroom door. We were getting ready for Midsummers and I was trying to fix the back of my dress.

"One sec!" I wiggled the straps into place and focused my attention on my reflection in the mirror.

I didn't even recognize myself. Kie had begged me to come to this party with her, because as she put it "It is the most obnoxious, tasteless, overrated event" she has ever had to endure.

I look in the mirror and see my hair pinned up with red flowers scattered through it, simple silver jewelry falling from my ears and neck, bright red lipstick on my lips, and a long flowy red lace dress overtaking my body.

Even though I don't look anything like myself, I will give it to myself. I look and feel hot as fuck.

I opened the door to Kie sitting on her bed scrolling on her phone. Her head lifted as she heard the door shut "Damn Y/n, you look beautiful!"

"Thanks Kie, you look gorgeous too!!!"

She reached for my hand and guided me out of the house to her parents' car. We were all going together to the party cause it was the easiest.

I sat looking out of the back window. My mind immediately went to him.

JJ Maybank. My best friend, and secret boyfriend of six months.

We decided at the beginning of our relationship that we would keep it a secret to avoid criticism from our friends, and because we wanted to make sure things worked out.

Well now we were knee deep and so in love. But still we feared bringing our relationship out of the little bubble that we had created for ourselves. So we didn't.

I was really regretting that right now, especially because JJ was going to be at the party tonight. He was helping Pope's dad, as a waiter. All I wanted to do was to be able to dance with him, but that wasn't going to happen.

I stared out the window until we got to the club. We headed in and I immediately started to look for my guy.

Kie had her arm locked around mine, like if she let go she would lose me.

We finally spotted Pope standing next to his dad serving food.

"Hey P!" I said as I walked over to him, Kie smiled at the boy. She totally has a crush on him.

"Ladies" He responded giving us a slight bow "I must say you both look stunning"

"Thanks bud" I say, we chatted for a few minutes before I asked him the question I had been wanting answered since I got here

"So Pope, where's JJ?"

"Uhh, I am not sure. Last time I saw him he was serving drinks over to the Camerons." Pope looked around the party to see if he could spot JJ once more.

"Oh okay" I said, turning to look around myself. I felt my drop a bit, but not for my friends to notice.

After a while of talking to Pope and Kie, I excused myself to the bathroom.

I was on my way back to the party when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around raising my hand in case, only to be met with a familiar set of blue eyes.

"Woah woah no need to hit y/n" JJ laughed as he put his hands up to block mine.

"Damn Jay you scared the crap out of me" I calmed down

Now here we were standing probably a little too close, but none of that mattered. Our eyes met and it suddenly felt like we were the only two in the world.

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