The carnival

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Y/n POV:

I was sitting on the back porch of the chateau waiting for John B and JJ go get back from fishing. I was scrolling though my phone when I heard the Pouge approach the dock.

I stood up and made my way down to the boys to help them get everything off the boat.

"Hey princess" JJ said as I got closer. He had always called me that, ever since we were little.

JJ has been my best friend for almost my entire life, he is the only person who really knows everything about me.

"Hey Jay" I smiled. "John B" I glanced over at the other boy. "How was fishing?"

"It was good, we caught dinner" John B said as he raised up the bucket with the fish.

"Ah so it's my lucky day" I laughed

We gathered the rest of the stuff off the boat and headed inside.

After cleaning up I went back outside to lay in the hammock. After a few minutes I felt the hammock dip and there appeared JJ, laying next to me.

"Hi Jay" I said with my eyes still closed.

"How did you know it was me?" He questioned.

"Because I'm awesome" I smirked opening my eyes, them landing on his perfect face. I might tell him everything but there is one secret that I just can't, I really really love him.

"Ah right" He sighed sitting up in the hammock, "So I have a suprise for you" He had a suspicious look on his face.

"What would that be?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I guess you are just going to have to come with me to see" He stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me out of the hammock.

"If it gets me out of eating whatever the hell you caught earlier, I'm in" I said as I followed him over to his truck.

I hopped in the passages seat and pulled in my phone so I could play my music.

"So where we headed?" I asked. JJ looked over at me and shook his head.

"It wouldn't be a suprise if I told you know would it?" He smirked pulling a bandana out of his back pocket. "Put this on"

"No way" I exclaimed

"Please y/n don't you trust me" I looked over at him and rolled my eyes causing him to laugh. I grabbed the blindfold and put it over my eyes.

After what felt like forever, JJ stoped the car and told me to stay where I was.

He came over and opened the passenger door, guiding me out and to were ever he was taking me.

"Okay, you can take it off now" He said letting go of my hands

I took the blindfold off and was met by blinding lights. It was the carnival that I had been wanting to go to for forever. I always loved this things, because my dad would take me when I was little.

"JJ are you serious?" I questioned not thinking that he was seriously taking me to the carnival.

"Yep" He said popping the 'p'. He grabbed a hold of my way and pulled me into his arms walking toward the entrance.

Once we got inside it was like a dream come true. I made him ride all my favorite rides.

He was not the biggest fan of the spinning rides, but he knew those are my favorite.

We got funnel cake and I may have smeared powdered sugar all over JJ's face.

Everything was going great, we walked past the game section and JJ stop at the milk bottle game.

"Jay what are you doing?" I asked, I was never one to play the games because I was no good. So I tended to just skip over this section.

"I am going to win you that bear" He said pointing to this cute blue bear hanging on the wall. I just laughed at him and motioned for him to go ahead.

After a few tries he finally got it.

"Here you go m'lady" He said handing me the bear, he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Why thank you kind sir" I fake bowed at him taking the bear. "I will treasure him forever."

It was getting later and the carnival was close to closing, the only thing we hadn't done was ride the Ferris wheel.

I pulled JJ to it and as soon as we got on I felt him grab my hand.

"You scared Jay?" I asked holding his hand in mine.

"No" He said quickly but his grip said something else.

We started going up and soon enough we were at the top.

The world was so pretty from up here, even in the dark.

"It's so pretty up here" I said

"Yeah it is" JJ said softly I turned to see that his gaze was dead set on me.

I felt my cheeks get hot and a blush spread across my face.

"Y/n there is something I need to tell you" JJ whispered his eyes falling from mine. I nodded and took his hands in mine to signal him to go ahead.

"Okay, I , umm, I don't, I" He was struggling to get whatever he needed to say out. "I'm in love with you" He blurted.

I sat there in shock, the boy that I had loved for god know how long just confessed his feelings for me. Before he could say anything else I leaned in and put my lips on his.

Our lips moved in sync, they they were meant to be on each other. JJ moved his hand to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss.

We only broke apart when we felt the Ferris wheel start to move again.

As we pulled apart I put my hand on his face and looked deep into his eyes. "I'm in love with you too"

Smiles spread across both of our faces and then our lips were back on each others.

Once we got back down to the ground, JJ helped me off and we made our way back to the car.

Once we reached the car, JJ held the door open for me and helped me in.

"Jay" I said as he got in that car. "What does this mean?"

"Well, princess. I was hoping that you would be my girlfriend?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh.

A smile appeared on my face, "I would love to be your girlfriend"

He pulled me back into a kiss and in this moment everything felt perfect. 

(1093 words)

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