Snowed In

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Y/N Pov:

"JJ" I yelled down the stairs of my house. "Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!" I could hear his footsteps coming up the stairs, then he suddenly appeared in my doorway. Snacks in one hand and two cups of hot chocolate in the other.

JJ had been staying at my house with me for the past couple of days since my parents were out of town. It honestly has been the best few days ever. The second day he was here we got snowed in. We may live in the outer banks, but when it snows, it snows.

This morning we went outside and played in the snow like we were kids again. It was honestly so much fun.

We made snow angels, had a snowball fight, and we attempted to make an igloo, but that really didn't work out.

Now we are back inside and after a really warm shower, we decided that we were going to spend the rest of the day in our pjs.

JJ set the cups of hot chocolate on my bedside table and tossed the snacks onto the bed.

I walked over to my desk to grab my computer so that we could watch some tv as we cuddled.

As I walked back over to my bed, JJ was taking off the t-shirt he had thrown on earlier. He hated being in bed with a shirt on. I just took a moment to stare at him. I could stare at him all day.

"Babe, your staring"

I snapped out of my thoughts and immediately felt my cheeks turn red.

"I can't help it, you're just so damn attractive." I walked over and put the laptop down on the bed, then made my way over to JJ.

I put my hand on his shoulders and ran my other hand through his soft blond hair. I stood up on my tippy toes and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

I thought that he would return it, but instead he threw me over his shoulder and started running around the room like a crazy person.

"JJ" I giggled "Put me down"

"No can do princess" he opened the door to my room and started running around the house.

I couldn't help but giggle as he trotted down the stairs. He finally put me down on the counter.

"Jay, why are we downstairs?" He was standing in between my legs with the classic JJ smirk on his face.

"Well, I was kind of hoping you would make your famous grilled cheese? I'm starving" I gave him an unimpressed look, especially since my hot chocolate was now getting cold upstairs.

"Pleaseeeeeee" He whined like a little baby, now giving me puppy dogs eyes. Damn I couldn't resist this boy.

"Fine" I hopped down off the counter and made my way to the pantry. "But you have to go upstairs and get the hot chocolate cause now they're going to be cold"

"Yes ma'am" JJ turned around and made his way up the stairs as I turned the stove on.


We were finally all settled into my bed, grilled cheeses on a plate in front of us. Hot chocolate on the side table and a few more snacks in case we get hungry later.

I opened my computer and pulled up netflix.

Since I was going to have JJ mostly to myself this week I figured it was time to get him to watch my favotive show.

He had protested a lot the first night he was here, but after we watched the first few episodes I knew that he liked it.

We were now on the last episode of the second season, which happened to be one of my favotives.

I started playing the show and felt JJ's arms wrap around me. I settled into his chest as the opening credits played.


"Holy shit" I jumped a little at JJ's sudden outburst of emotion. "Did that really just happen?"

"Oh Jay, if you think that is shocking wait til we get to the end" I laughed, settling back into him.


The end credits of that episode played and I quickly paused it before it could start the next episode.

"Sooooooo?? What did you think? I mean that was pretty cool right?" I felt myself start to get really excited. I loved talking about my show. Some people thought it was weird, but it was my escape.

When I wasn't feeling the greatest or I was having an anxiety ridden day, watching this show made things better. It is almost as good at calming me down as JJ is.

"Yeah I mean I wasn't expecting the main character to die, his brother brought him back, then their ghost dad showed up" He was starting to kind of get into it and it made me smile.

"I know right. I mean of course they aren't going to kill the main character in the second season, but the way that his brother made a deal to save his life. Just like his dad did, even though he hated his dad for doing it."

I continued to ramble on about the show and the character development, kind of approaching the so called "nerdy zone"

I went on for a good five minutes before I realized that JJ had been staring at me.

I stopped talking and felt my face turn red. "Sorry, I got excited"

"Don't be sorry babe, I love when you get like this. I think it is absolutely adorable how into this you are. I love hearing you talk about the things you love." He placed his hand on my cheek as I let out a small giggle.

I leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on his lips, this time he returned it and then started to place kisses all over my face. Once again making me burst out into a giggle fit.

Once we stopped I snuggled back into his chest and he pressed play on the next episode.

We kept watching until I heard little snores coming from JJ's lips. I paused the show and carefully put my laptop on the side of my bed. I tried not to wake him with my movements, but I felt him slightly stir awake.

We readjusted and he quickly fell back to sleep. My head was laying on his chest. I looked up at him, he looked so peaceful.

With everything going on I was glad that I got to be his safe place, because he is mine.

I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat, I drifted off to sleep thinking about how this is how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

In his arms. 

(1117 words)

JJ Maybank ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon