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(The POV's on this one shift around a little bit)

Y/n POV:

The last couple of days have been anything but ordinary. First my brother was accused of a murder that he didn't commit, leading us to have to flee our home. Leaving behind our best friends and most importantly my boyfriend. Only to have the cops chase us into a storm, which caused our boat to flip leaving us for dead. Thankfully there was a boat that saved us, but they quickly turned on us as soon as they knew there was a reward for our capture. Next the gold was taken from us again. Not to mention the fact that Rafe shot me and I died for a couple of minutes. But now here I am sitting on the boat that we managed to steal with Sarah and John B running out of gas.

Luckily we are at an actual city, Charleston South Carolina. The plan is to find something to eat and some gas, then make our way home. Honestly all I want to do right now is pass out, but that is going to have to wait until we get home.

I was staring out at the city in front of me, lost in thought about what was going to be waiting for me when I got home. Would John B be okay, I mean the cops still think he killed Peterkin. Will Sarah be able to get away from her psycho family? What about my friends, are they okay? And JJ? God JJ, that boy has been through enough in his life, I just hope "losing" me didn't push him over the edge.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my brother pulled the boat up onto a little patch of beach by the dock. I went to stand up and join them, as I stood up I felt my body give out a little. I managed to catch myself on the side of the boat, but my actions didn't go unnoticed.

"Woah, Woah Y/n. Where do you think you are going?" John B questioned

"I'm coming with you guys" I said, still trying to keep my balance.

"No Y/n, you just got shot. We will go and be back before the sunsets" Sarah said with concern in her voice. I know that she still felt bad, I mean it was her brother that tried to kill me.

"No. Come on you guys, do you really expect me to just stay here and wait for you..."

"Yes" they said at the same time, both of them giving me the "you're not going anywhere look". I was honestly too tired to argue with them, so I just caved. "Okay, fine. But you have to bring me back something to eat" I pleaded. "Deal" John B said as he kissed my forehead.

"We will be back, I promise" Sarah said as they both hopped out of the boat.

I watched as they disappeared into the city. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. Man this is going to be fun.

Sarah POV:

I felt bad for leaving y/n on the boat alone, but it was better if we went to get the supplies. She was in no shape to be walking around, she needed to rest.

John B managed to distract a guy on the side of the street, while I picked his pocket. We made off with a couple hundred bucks. We found our way to a convenience store and grabbed the gas for the boat and just as John B was about to get us some food, that same guy from earlier saw us.

"Hey! You! Come here! Thieves! You stole my money! Come here." The guy yelled at us. John B grabbed my hand and we started running.

He kept chasing after us, as we were about to cross the street a truck came out of nowhere. But there was something familiar about it, then it clicked that was Mr. Heywards truck. We kept running knowing that somewhere around here was a way home.

That guy kept chasing after us, when John B spotted a tourist bike ride. He quickly grabbed the bike and motioned for me to get in the back. Speeding away the guy chasing us and the guy whose bike we just stole stopped chasing after us. I thought we were home free.

JJ Maybank ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon