Diver Down

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Requested by Anonymous: based on my ur diver down scene, but instead of John B going in the water it's the reader? She's dating JJ.


"Okay I still think this is a bad idea" Pope said as we pulled up to the spot in the marsh where we found the grady white yesterday.

John B and JJ were convinced that there was something more to the boat. I'm not going to say I totally agree but I've learned that when my best friend and boyfriend get something in their head nothing is going to stop them.

"It's fine Pope, promise" JJ winks toward pope as he tosses the bowline over.

I roll my eyes as pope gives JJ some nice side eye.

"You guys got empty tanks" Kie says as she starts prepping the scuba gear. I walk over to help her take a look at the tanks.

"This one has half, it should be fine" I smile looking over at John B and JJ. Then walk back over to JJ who has his arms open for me as I approach.

I melt into his touch, this damn boy has such an effect on me.

"So whose diving?" Pope asks

Everyone looks around in a bit of confusion.

"I'll do it, I mean how hard could it be" JJ speaks up

"You could get the bends" Pope answers

"You mean like bend over an-" JJ starts before I smack his ass as he bends over

"The bends kill you dumbass" I say with a laugh.

"I'll dive" John B speaks up causing us to whip our heads around.

"No" I say "I got it, been doing it since I was little" which was true. I have been diving before, but it was a while ago since my last dive.

I start to walk to the tanks when JJ grabs my waist.

"No way baby" he whispers into my ear, I turn around and send him a glare. I love him for wanting to protect me but this I can do.

"I got this baby" I smile running my hand over his cheek.

"JJ, she'll be fine" Kie chimes in knowing that I have done this before

JJ huffs signaling that he gave up on trying to stop me.

Kie helps me put everything on and once I'm ready to go I head to the side of the boat.

"Be careful" John B says

I send him a finger salute and turn to jump in. But before  I do JJ spins me back around and plants a wet kiss on my lips.

"Seriously baby be careful" he whispers against my lips and I just smile and nod. Pulling down my mask

"Diver down" I say through the mask and jump in.

Everything seems to be okay as I approach the wreck, I look around until I find the hold. I pull out the lock pick JJ gave me and start to jimmy the thing open.

I pull out the back in there and check my oxygen knowing that I need to be careful coming back up.

As I pull away from the boat my suit gets caught on a sharp edge. It takes way too long and way too much energy to break free. I can feel myself losing oxygen.

I manage to make it about half way back up when I run out of oxygen. I try to hold my position for the minute like pope told me too, but it was all just getting to be too much.

I can feel myself slipping, I pull off the mask and use all my strength to pull myself back to the surface. I can slightly hear yelling as I get up to the surface.

As soon as I break the top of the water I take the biggest breath ever.

"Oh thank god" I hear kie say as I try to catch my breath.

Before I knew it JJ was in the water next to me trying to hold me up, him knowing I was struggling with it.

He helps me onto the boat and as I practically collapse into the bench he comes over and wraps his arms around me.

"Nice job y/n!" John B says as he starts to inspect the bag, I just send him a nice smile and nod falling back into JJ's chest.

"You scared the shit out of me" JJ mumbled on my neck as he places sweet kisses along the side.

"Mmm, I'm sorry baby" I turn my head to face him and let my lips brush against his, eventually giving him a quick kiss.

I just settle back into his arms, knowing that I'm safe. Just as he pulls me closer, his way of knowing that I'm not going anywhere and he can keep me safe.

(800 words)

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