The Day After

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to a loud knock on the bedroom door. Before I could fully wake up, Kiara opened the door. She looked over at the bed to see me half awake under the covers and JJ dead asleep on the other side of me. She gave me a small smile, she had always approved of our relationship.

"Hey the guys wanted me to tell y'all we are heading out on the boat in like 30 if you want to join" She said quietly not wanting to wake up JJ, knowing that he was not pleasant in the morning.

"Yeah sounds good, we'll meet y'all out there" I responded finally awake. She nodded and closed the door behind her.

I shuffled out of JJ's grip and sat up. I could feel him start to stir, so I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He rolled over onto his back, he always looked so cute when he was sleeping.

"Morning princess" He said with his eyes still closed.

"Morning J" I said, giving him yet another soft kiss on his lips. I could feel him smile against my lips. He pulled me into his bare chest, suddenly the events of last night came running back to my mind. I was surprised that I wasn't as sore as I expected. I mean we did a lot last night, we had the house to ourselves and we have a habit of making the most of it.

After a few minutes I pulled my head off of his chest and sat up. He was still half sleeping so I decided to rip the covers off his side of the bed in an effort to wake the boy up. As soon as the covers came off JJ let out a large groan, one I could only laugh at.

"Hey why did you do that?" He said, his voice still thick and deep from his sleep. God he was hot.

"We have to get up, we are going on the boat today and I told Kie we would be ready in 20" I said as I tried to get up out of bed myself.

I flipped my legs over the edge of the bed and began to stand up. Before I could make it all the way up I felt my legs give out. Damn. I fell back onto the bed and the sudden movement caught JJ's attention. He sat up and rubbed his eyes to get a better look at what was going on. As soon as he figured out that our activities from the previous night had left me with the inability to walk he started to giggle. I turned around and gave him the look of death, this is not what I needed today.

"Awe babe, are you having trouble standing?" JJ said in a bit of a mocking tone. He stood up and walked over to me. As he made his way over to me I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. Unfortunately for me, I missed causing JJ to laugh even harder at me.

"Well, don't just stand there J. Help me up" I finally said as he appeared in front of me. He picked me up and carefully had me put pressure on my legs. Once he knew that I could stand on my own he let go and grabbed me a swimsuit and one of his shirts to wear.

He helped me get dressed, making little comments about how hot he thought I was. I was trying to stay mad at the boy, but I couldn't. I just melted under his touch. Once I was dressed I wobbed my way over to the mirror in our room at the chateau. I was met with multiple purple bruises littered across my neck and chest.

"JJ MAYBANK" I yelled as I looked in the mirror, knowing that I was going to have to walk out like this infront of my friends. Not that I minded the hickeys, but they were everywhere. I don't really need my best friends know the extend of me and JJ's sex life.

JJ turned around quickly after hearing me yell, he looked at me through the reflection in the mirror and had his signature smirk plastered across his face. "What's wrong babe?" He asked innocently

"Look at my neck, I can't even try to hide these" I said pointing out all the of hickeys

"Good" He said as he snaked his arms around my waist pulling me into him. "Now everyone will know that you are mine"

I turned around to face him and looked into his ocean blue eyes. I felt myself get lost in them for a moment before I pulled myself back into reality. "J as much as I love people know that I'm your, it's just weird when we are around our friends and I have a million hickeys and can't walk" I spoke softly

"Okay, I get that." He said looking back into my y/e/c/ eyes. "I'll be more careful from now on, as for today if they say anything I'll kick their ass" I giggled at his comment, knowing that he was telling the truth.

We finished getting ready and headed out the door to meet our friends. JJ was carrying me on his back because I was still having a bit of a hard time walking, and I didn't want it to be obvious.

We got on the boat and he sat me down next to Kiara, and he made his way up to sit with John B, who was driving. Kie and I talked for about 20 minutes about random stuff until we got to a good place to anchor. It was really hot, so the boys decided to get in the water. I could tell that Kie wanted to get in as well, but she didn't want to leave me on the boat alone.

"Y/n come on let's get in" She said motioning toward the water. I was hesitant, but it was really hot out and I kept thinking about what JJ said this morning.

"Okay" I said, giving in. She took over her top and dove into the water. I slowly stood up trying not to fall and slid off the t-shirt that I was wearing. I hadn't realized that they were all watching waiting for me to get in the water, until I heard JJ whistle.

I looked over the boat to see all my friends in the water, waiting for me to get in. I could feel their eyes going to the purple marks across my body. I quickly got into the water thinking that the faster I got in the less likely they would say something.

As I resurfaced in the water, I felt JJ's arms around my waist. I gave him a small smile and he returned it with a kiss on my lips. Much to my surprise no one said anything. We ended up swimming around and having fun for a few hours.

We got back onto the boat, JJ having to help me because my legs were still a little sore. We sat down in the back of the boat, and just relaxed as John B drove back to the chateau.

Once we got back we made our way inside, me on JJ's back once more. He knew that by this time I could walk, but I think he felt a little bad and wanted to spoil me. We got back inside and all took our usual seats in the living room. As soon as I sat down I let out a very loud sigh of relief now that the pressure was off my legs.

"You alright there y/n" pope asked with a little concern in his voice. I could feel JJ look down at my thighs, but I quickly reposed to pope "yeah I'm just a little sore"

"Sore right" John B said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"What's that supposed to mean" I questioned, sitting in a upright position

"Y/n don't think I don't know what goes on here when it's just you and JJ" He says with a smirk on his face. I could suddenly feel my cheeks heat up and turn bright red. I can't believe he said that. I tried to play it off as best as I could "I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Y/n you can't walk" Kiara said, she was the last person I expected to say something to at that moment. Suddenly I started to hear JJ giggle from behind me. I tried to find the words to defend myself, but I just buried my head into my hands trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Awe guy look what you did" JJ said, still giggling slightly. I moved my hand away from my face and shoved him lightly causing the rest of our friends to start laughing.

At this point I had started to laugh too, I managed to catch my breath a little and sigh giving into their antics "what can I say my man knows what he's doing" I said with a smile on my face, I could feel JJ pull me a little closer into his body. 

(1552 words)

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