No more hiding

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Being a Cameron has its perks, I don't have to worry about money or having a roof over my head. I can get in almost anywhere, and get away with almost anything. Expect one thing.

Being with my boyfriend.

If my family found out that I was dating a pogue they would have my head. Especially my brother.

That meant that in order to be with him, we had to sneak around. Some people would wonder why I would put so much effort into a relationship that no one else wanted you to be in. But from the first time I met JJ, I knew that he was who I wanted to be with.

JJ has always seen me for who I really was, not just some Kook. He saw me for everything other than my money. He was my sunshine in the darkness that was my life.

As much as we both just wanted to just be together out in the open, I was scared of my family and JJ was afraid of what his friends or his dad would do or say. So we kept our relationship a secret.

It's been six months of secrets.


"Y/n!!!!!" I heard Sarah yell as she trotted into my room. I took my head out from my book and looked up as she plopped down on my bed.

"What's up Sarah?" I groaned. I knew why she was in here, but I just didn't want to deal with it.

"I got you a date for midsummers tomorrow" she smiled

"What?" I questioned, I did not want a date. It was bad enough that I couldn't go with JJ, there was no way I was going with some other guy.

"Yeah, His name is Thomas and he is going to meet us there. He's one of Tops friends" She explained

"Sarah I am not going with him"I said firmly, but my sister wouldn't take no for an answer. After arguing for what felt like forever ,I finally caved "geez, fine" I said

She smiled and walked out of my room, happy that she got her way.

Damn, what was I supposed to tell JJ, I thought. Well it's best to just get this over with, so I decided to call him.

(The bold is JJ and the italics are you)

*ring ring*

Hey princess

Hey babe, we have a problem

What's going on? You're freaking me out

Sarah set me up on a date for midsummers

What!? Did you say no?

I tried but you know my sister, she always gets her way. It is easier to just cave and then she will leave me alone

Well who the hell is this guy

One of Topper's friends said his name is Thomas. I honestly think I am going to just walk in with my family, say hi and then get the hell out of there. God Jay, I just wish it could be us.

I know babe. Things will work out, i promise

So you're not upset?

No, no I'm not upset. I just don't want to think about another guy looking at you like I do.

Awe trust me Jay no one in the world looks at me the way you do. Ugh okay my dad's calling me. I'll talk to you later okay.

Okay, see you later love

Bye Jay

I fell back onto my bed, dreading the day that was coming.


I reluctantly got ready with Sarah to go to midsummers. I honestly felt really hot, despite the impending doom of the evening. I was wearing a long flowery red dress that showed off my neckline. My hair was down with some red flowers in the back, and my makeup was natural.

We made our way to the outside porch, making our entrance into the party like we were the royal family or something. I felt all the eyes on us. As we broke apart to enjoy the party Sarah brought the guy she set me up with over to me.

I felt him look me up and down and felt so uncomfortable. But all I had to do was get through the party.

We danced and talked for a while, until I caught a glimpse or some familiar blonde hair.

I looked again, thinking I saw my boyfriend, but there was nothing there. I went back to dancing with Thomas. I could feel his hands moving down my back toward my butt. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he held his hands firm.

We were dancing in the middle of the party, it felt like everyone was looking at us. I thought that I was hearing some commotion, but suddenly I felt Thomas lean into my body.

He was trying to kiss me.

I pulled away only for him to lean in further. I pushed his chest away from mine, earning a displeased look to come from his face.

"Come on, you know you want to" He said with a sly look on his face.

"Look Thomas. I don't know what Sarah told you, but I am good" I tried to be nice.

"God y/n. I know you don;t have anyone. Come on let me be the one" He tried again

"NO" I said loudly, eyes continuing to stare at us.

"Why?" He questioned again. I was so done with people trying to figure out why I was "alone" so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind

"Because I'm in love with JJ" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Thomas stepped back from me, shocked. Now everyone else was staring at me too. My dad and brother were staring in shock. My dad looked over at me "Y/n, what did you just say?"

At this point I made my decision, there was going to be no more hiding.

"I said I'm in love with JJ Maybank" He looked at me with such disappointment in his eyes but I didn't care.I looked and caught Sarah's gaze, she gave me a small smile and pointed behind me.

I turned around and was met by the eyes of the man I was so in love with. He was wearing a tux, and looked like he had just been in a fight. But despite that he was staring at me with the biggest smile on his face.

Despite us being together for the past six months, that was the first time I had said I love him out loud. I continued to stare at JJ, trying to get a read on his emotion. Then suddenly

"And I'm in love with Y/n Cameron!" he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

I ran as fast as I could to get to him. He met me in the middle and pulled me into the most passionate kiss we have ever shared.

Once we pulled apart I just looked into his blue eyes and smiled. He looked down at me and asked " Wanna get out of here" I nodded and we took off.

I could hear whispers and protests from the people at the party, but  I didn't care.

Me and JJ ran hand and hand away, not caring about the consequences that we could face.

We ran until we got to the beach, laughing and smiling JJ pulled me into his chest by my waist. Our faces were almost touching, it felt like pure bliss.

"I really love you" JJ said softly

"I really love you too" I smiled, pulling him into another long kiss.

No matter what happened next, I knew we would be okay.

(1276 words)

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