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Me and JJ were on the way to get the tow-line from the chateau. I pulled into the driveway and JJ hopped out to run and get it. He was almost to the surf shack when he tripped and fell over some ropes. I giggled as he popped back up and yelled "I'm okay!".

I sat in the truck waiting for him to come back, and suddenly I saw him approaching the car. But he wasn't alone. His dad was following right behind him.

"No JJ, immediately no" I said as he told his dad to get in the back seat. "The twinkies drowning right now" I went to grab him as I kept yelling at him that this wasn't the time to deal with his dad. He grabbed a hold of my shoulders so I would stop flailing around and look at him.

"Listen to me. Listen to me, okay?I need to get into the marina at the Island Club. There's a boat there he can take. There is a sticker on the truck. Twenty minutes, that's all I need." he pleaded

"The Twinkie's gonna be a submarine in 20 minutes." I butted back

"I know y/n"

"Leave him, we can come back.." JJ cut me off before I could finish

"The cops are after him! If I do this now, maybe I will never have to do it again." Based on the look in JJ's eyes I knew that he was serious. As much as I knew this was a bad idea, I couldn't stand in the way of my boyfriend, maybe only chance at escaping his dad. I got back into car reluctantly and felt Luke staring at me. I gave him a dirty look in the rearview mirror and drove off.


"Stop at Home foods, I'm going to need provisions" Luke said from the back seat. I looked over at JJ and he nodded in agreement. I pulled the car over and JJ hopped out and headed inside. As he closed the door he made sure to ask me "You okay?" I nodded and he trotted inside.

Luke started to play the drums on the back of my car seat. He was doing just to get under my skin, but if this was the last time I was ever going to have to see him. I want him to know how I really feel.

"You're a terrible father, you know that?"

"Yeah, preach it to me. Set me straight."

"Do you have any idea how special your son is? Like, even a clue?"

"He's a thief"

I turned around so I could face him because I wanted him to look me in the eyes when I told him the truth about who JJ really is.

"Of course you would say that. You have no fucking clue who your son really is. But I do. He is like kindest person that you could ever meet, except when you fuck with the people that he cares about. He is loyal to a fault and he would honestly die for any of his friends. JJ loves to dance around the kitchen at 3am, he loves the rain, and he loves to walk down the beach with his toes in the water when the temperature is just right." I took a breath before continuing on my rampage. "Did you know that he wants kids. But he is so fucking terrifed that he is going to turn out like you. You have made him doubt himself in so many ways, but he will never ever be you."

I had plenty more to say but Luke cut me off.

"You know you sound just like your momma. Always thought she was better than everybody else. You know, I bet you're a lot like your mama. Slumming it with bad boys..." I had enough and elbowed him in the face.

He fell back into his seat and I turned around to see JJ coming back to the truck. He put the food in the back and handed his dad a six-pack. He got back in the car and sent me a look of confusion and what had happened while he was gone.

"You good?" He asked. I nodded and started the car back up.


We pulled into the marina without a problem. JJ and his dad got out of the car.

"I'll be right back," he said with a smile on his face. I just nodded.

They got about 10 steps away from the car when I yelled out "Hey Luke" with both of them turning around. I sent JJ's dad the middle finger.

He went to charge back to the car, but JJ grabbed his shoulders and directed him down the dock. I sat back in my seat with a small smirk on my face.


It had been a while so I got out of the car to go check on JJ. He was standing at the edge of the dock, watching his dad sail away. I came up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist. He turned and pulled my body up to his chest.

My head was laying on his chest as I looked up into his blue eyes. I could see the tears forming.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked gently. He just looked down at me and started laughing. It started small as a giggle but got progressively louder.

JJ picked me up and spun me around. Finally setting me back down on the ground and pulling me into a kiss.

Once we pulled away he put his forehead against mine and just smiled.

I knew that he was just happy that he was finally safe. He was finally going to be able to live the life that he deserved. He could finally stop worrying about going home or seeing his dad.

We stood there for a moment before he spoke.

"He's gone y/n. Like really gone." He said it almost as if he was in disbelief.

"Yeah Jay, you're free. You're safe." I said as I ran my fingers down his face, wiping the stray tears away.

He hugged me once more and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I held onto him so tight. This boy had been through so much, and all he ever wanted was love. And I was damn sure going to give it to him.

He pulled away after a long hug and said "Let's go save our friends" with a smile plastered on his face.

With that we walked back down the dock to the car, hand in hand.

It didn't matter what was happening in the world around us. We have each other and that is enough.

(1116 words) 

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