Our Song?

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I was staring out the passenger window of Twinkie, JJ was driving us around the island, something that we did a lot. It was one of the only times that the two of us could just be with each other in peace. No distractions, no people butting in, nothing but the two of us and the music playing on the radio.

JJ's hand was laying on my thigh as it always did, as he hummed along to the song playing quietly in the background.

"You okay baby?" He noticed how quiet I was.

I turn to him with a smile, "Yeah, I was just thinking" I place my hand over top of his and gently rub my thumb against the back of his hand.

"Thinking about what?"

"Just us" I smile again "Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so lucky"

He lets out a little laugh, finally intertwining his fingers with mine.

"I think you got that wrong, It's definitely me who is the lucky one"

I roll my eyes at him and lay my head back against the seat.

There is a little bit more silence before JJ speaks up again.

"You know, we drive around and listen to music all the time, but I don't think we have ever figured out what our song is"

I turn my head to look at him, a smile across my face. Of course this boy would think about us having a song.

"Well what do you think would be our song?" I ask him, our hands still intertwined.

"I don't know, probably some slow song about a love so deep that no one else understands. You know something about finding your true love and never wanting to let go" His words tug on my heart strings, no one gets to see this side of him. JJ is the sweetest, most thoughtful person I have ever met.

"We should find that song then, and have I mentioned lately how much I love you" I say leaning over and kissing his cheek. I can see the smile spread across his beautiful face as I pull back.

"You have, but I never get tired of hearing it" The car comes to a stop at a red light and he turns to me and gently kisses my lips. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach as he pulls away. "I love you too baby"

(402 words)

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now