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Warning: death

Y/n POV:

The past few weeks have been the worst of my life. I have been shot at, almost drowned, watched my boyfriend get beat up repeatedly, and lost my brother at sea.

People keep telling me that John B and Sarah are dead, but I don't believe them. That doesn't stop the nightmares though.

It has been a few weeks since they disappeared and every night since I have had the same dream.

John B and Sarah are holding on for dear life begging me to save them. Then they slowly start to drift away to sea. I have managed to keep the dreams to myself, but it is getting harder.

JJ has been staying with me at the chateau since that night, and every night he asks me whats wrong when he finds me awake.

I keep telling him the same thing "Can't sleep"

He has been taking that answer, but I know he knows that it is more than that.

I am waiting for him to get home from work, I'm sitting out on the dock staring mindlessly at the water in front of me.

My mind starts to drift to my brother again, but before I could really start thinking I hear JJ calling me from the house.


"Out here!" I yell back to him, I would walk into the house, but I really don't want to get up.

I heard him jog down the dock toward me, there was a lot of effort in each of his steps. I turn around to see him approach where I am sitting. I can tell that something is wrong, he has his worried face on.

"Yeah what's up?" I question as he sits next to me and pulls me into him.

"Just a bad day." He says while looking out at the marsh taking a hit of his juul.

"What happened?" I didn't want to press, but I knew it was better if he talked about it.

"I just had a bit of an, let's call it an altercation with Rafe today" He shrugged off his comment like it was nothing, but after everything Rafe has put us through it is not nothing.

"JJ you saw Rafe today?" He just nodded in response "Well what happened?" I turned to face him, wanting more of an explanation.

"It's nothing babe, he was high off his ass and tried to throw a couple of punches." He was still trying to play it off, he was hiding something from me I could tell.

"Jay, that's not it is it? I know when you are not telling me the whole story" I pushed even more because now I needed to know what happened.

"He may have had a gun" He said quietly looking down

"He had a WHAT?" Now I was yelling and I could feel the tears start to pool in my eyes from fear. I knew for a fact that I could not lose JJ, he was the only thing keeping me here.

"Hey, hey it's okay" He started

"NO IT'S NOT JJ" I yelled again "I can't lose you, I can't, I I.." I was now panicking

JJ pulled me into a hug and started to run his fingers through my hair.

"I'm okay princess, I promise I am not going anywhere" He whispered into my ear, trying to calm me down.

After a few minutes I calmed down and he guided me back into the house.

"Come on, I think it's time for bed" he said with a small smile on his face.

I followed him into our room and we both started to get changed.

I put on one of his t-shirts and he slipped on his flannel pj pants. We both hopped into bed and he pulled me onto his bare chest.

JJ kept his hand in his hair, running his fingers through it trying to help me get to sleep. I just laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat. For the first time in a while I was able to fall asleep.


I was walking home from the beach when I spotted Shoupe standing on my front porch. Maybe he has some information about my brother, maybe he is alive. I started to pick up my pace until I was in talking distance with him.

"Shoupe? What are you doing here? Did you find my brother?" I asked trying not to sound excited

"y/n I need you to come down to the station with me. Umm something happened" He said softly

Suddenly I could only think the worst, maybe my brother was dead. I got in the car with him not being able to ask anymore questions until we made it to the station.

We got out of the car and he led me in, only to see Kiara and Pope standing there. Both of them were covered in blood.

"Woah, guys what the hell happened? Who's blood is that?" I questioned

"Y/n I'm so sorry, I tried, I really tried" Kiara cried as Pope just stood there like he was a ghost.

"Tried what?" I was getting confused until I realized that JJ wasn't with them. He was supposed to be.

"No, no" I stuttered looking over at Shoupe waiting for him to tell me differently

"I'm sorry honey, we did everything we could but" Shoupe walked over to me

"NO WHERE IS HE" I yelled pushing everyone away running around the station looking for any evidence of my boyfriend.

Until I found him. His body lying on a table. The color drained from his face.

I ran to the table and put my hands on his face, it was cold.

"JJ wake up" I pleaded "baby it's me you have to wake up. JJ wake up" I cried

I felt a pair of arms behind me, it was Pope who pulled me back as I sobbed.

Screaming for my love to come back to me.

"JJ, JJ, No, Baby"

"Baby wake up?" I heard as I felt someone shake my body. I jolted up sweat pouring down my face. I looked to my side and there he was alive.

"Hey babe you're okay, hey look at me" I looked over at him and fell into his arms sobbing.

"What happened?" He asked, stroking my head and holding me tight.

"My dream" I managed to get out "You, you died" I sniffled trying to catch my breath.

I could feel the sadness on JJ's face, he pulled me in even closer and just held me.

"I'm right here baby, I am not going anywhere. I promise" He said soothingly

"But jay what if something happens" "Nothing is going to happen" He cut me off before I could finish.

"You and I are going to be together for the rest of our long long lives okay. I promise you. I am going to marry you and we are going to have kids and then grandkids, hell maybe when we get so old we have great grandkids. We are going to have the best life y/n, you and me. Okay?"

I don't know how he did it but he managed to calm me down. I looked up into his eyes and knew that he truly meant everything he just said.

I placed a small kiss on his lips "Okay"

I let a smile creep onto my face, and as soon as he saw it there was one on his.

I feel safe in his arms, and no matter what has happened or what will happen I think it is all going to be okay. 

(1259 words)

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