Break up with him

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I never thought that my life would come to this.

Yesterday I got a visit from the one and only Luke Maybank. I swear that man is like the devil walking.

He came over to tell me that I needed to break up with JJ. Of course I told him that he was crazy and I wasn't going to leave the boy that I love more than life itself, but he didn't like that answer.

He told me that if I didn't leave JJ, then he was going to make sure that JJ ended up in jail. Whether it be from planting drugs on him, or getting him arrested for assault.

I wish I was joking but I know that he would do it if I don't do what he wants. And I wish I could tell JJ but he would just say that his dad is bluffing and I can't risk that.

If there is one thing that scares me more than losing JJ, is him going to jail. He is the best person I know, and he is nothing like his father, he doesn't deserve that.

So here I am standing on the back porch at the chateau waiting for him to get home from work. I hear the door open and secretly hope it isn't my boyfriend, because then I can have a little longer. But it is.

He comes up behind me and nuzzles his head into my shoulder. "Hey baby" he says in my ear.

God I still get butterflies every time he touches me. I let out a content sigh, knowing that this might be the last time he holds me.

Then I grow the courage to turn around, there are already tears in my eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" JJ questions with concern laced in his voice. He rubs his thumb across my cheek to catch a fallen tear.

"I can't do this anymore JJ" I say looking at the ground, knowing that if I look in his eyes I'll crumble.

"Can't do what?"

"Be in this relationship" JJ takes a step back from me, this really is coming out of nowhere because we are so fucking happy.

"What are you talking about, did I do something wrong?" I look up to see the fear on his face, the fear of losing me.

"No, I just can't be in a relationship anymore" I say avoiding his eyes again

"No, that's not it." He sighs "You can't even look at me, your lying" damn I wish this boy didn't know me so well.

"I'm not lying" I said in a slightly frustrated tone, because I need him to just accept it so I can go.

"Yes you are, and we are not breaking up" he says sternly, I really don't want this to turn into a fight.

"Yes we are JJ, and I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the mainland for a month or two" I hope he will back off with this information, but he just stares at me.

"This makes no sense, we were literally talking about getting married the other day. You love me, you wouldn't just leave. Not like this" JJ says trying to comprehend the situation. I want to tell him the truth so badly, but I just pick up my bag and turn toward the steps.

"Goodbye JJ" I say as I walk away, I hoped he would follow, but he didn't. When I got to my car, I started to cry like I have never cried before. I hate Luke Maybank.


It's been a week since I left JJ and OBX, and today was the first time he reached out since I left.

He sent me a text that said he doesn't know what happened, but he knows that I'm lying and he is going to figure it out, then get me back.

I can only hope that a few months apart will help him accept things, but that boy is stubborn.


It's been three months since I left OBX and I am finally back. I make my way to the wreck to say hi to Kiara, we have been talking this whole time, she really is the best friend.

She is the only one who knew I was coming home, well I thought.

I walk into the wreck and there he is. Waiting for me, with flowers.

"Y/n" He yells at me as I try to quickly turn around and run out the door.

He catches up and grabs the side of my arm.

"JJ, I can't do this okay, I need you to let me go" I say trying not to cry

"I can't do that princess, especially since I figured out why you broke up with me." I stood there in shock, how could he know?

"What do you mean?" I question.

"I know my dad told you to break up with me, or he would make sure I got thrown in jail, well guess what, the old man got himself thrown in the slammer about two weeks after you left. And finally when I went to visit him, he told me the truth and said that he was sorry and high out of his mind" JJ knowing feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders

"And I tried to call you to tell you, but I am pretty sure you blocked my number" JJ continues "Look I still love you y/n and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter what my drug addicted father try to threaten me with"

I finally look up at him with tears in my eyes knowing that I caused us both so much pain over the past three months.

"I'm sorry" I cry out falling into his arms.

"It's okay baby, I know you were just trying to protect me" He coos in my ear stroking my hair.

"I love you too and I want to be with you forever" I manage to choke out.

"Well then forever starts now" He says pulling me away to look in my eyes.

Then he leans down to place a kiss on my lips and I melt into his touch. I really missed him.

(1035 words)

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