Everything to Me

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"Y/n move!" Is all I hear as I am being pushed out of the way. Then I hear the crash.

I look up to see my boyfriend laying on the ground.

"JJ" I scream running up to him, I didn't see the car coming and he pushed me out of the way.

"No, no, no" I get on my knees in front of him, I cup his face in my hands.

"Baby, look at me" I manage to get out trying to control my sobs. But I don't get a response I look up and see John B on the phone with 911. Then I look around and see that the car that hit him is gone.

I look back down at him, scanning his body for injuries. His face is all bloody, and there looks like there is a piece of glass in his stomach.

"JJ, baby you have to wake up, Please" I continue to plead with him. Hoping that he hears something.

"I'm so sorry" I try to check if he is breathing and he still is but it is really faint.

I think I hear John B tell me that the paramedics are on the way, but I don't know how much longer he is going to last.

Suddenly his eyes start to open.

"Y/n" He says weakly

"Baby, I'm right here I promise, you are going to be okay" I try to convince him and myself

"I love you" he croaks out

"No, you do not get to say goodbye to me, do you understand" I yell at him, holding his face in my hands again.

"Y/n" he whispers out

"No JJ Maybank, you do not get to die on me do you understand" I am full on sobbing right now.

After a moment he slowly nods his head "I won't die" he breaths out slow.

I finally hear the ambulance, and soon enough they are loading JJ in. I try to go with him to the hospital but they won't let me.

Before I can even ask, John B pulls me to the van and we follow the ambulance to the hospital.

After what felt like hours in the waiting room, the doctor finally came out to talk to us.

"He should be just fine, he has a concussion, and a few broken ribs, but other than that he was very lucky" I let out a huge breath, that I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Thank you" John B says

"You are welcome to see him" The nurse let us know and we nod following her back.

I immediately go over to JJ's side and grab onto his hand as if to make sure that he is really there.

Soon enough JJ wakes up.

"Hi baby" I say quietly not wanting to startle him.

"Are you okay?" Is the first thing that he asks me, earning a chuckle from his best friend.

I nod at JJ and then he turns his attention to John B, who had walked up to the side of his bed.

"How you feeling bro" He asks, JJ just slightly groans in pain as he tries to sit up.

"I'm good, the most important thing is that y/n's okay" I just smile at his words, as I grip tighter onto his hand.

"You know, only you would get hit by a car and almost die and the first thing you are worried about is how your girlfriend is" John B chuckles again.

JJ smiles too, then he looks over at me and returns the tight grip that my hand has on his.

"That's because she is everything to me" JJ says and I instantly move up to kiss his forehead. Little did this boy know that he is everything to me. 

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