Headcannons Pt. 1

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JJ's love language is physical touch

He always has his hands on you in someway, whether it's holding your hand or having an arm around, just anything

In the morning when he wakes up before you he watches you sleep for a little before waking you up with a kiss on your cheek

While you wake up he makes your coffee just the way you like it and brings it to you in bed

Cuddles in the morning are always a must for the both of you

When JJ doesn't work he brings you lunch on your break and you do the same for him

There is an unspoken rule that the first one to get home has to make something for dinner, luckily most of the time it's you because JJ can't cook for shit

But when he does he always makes some kind of elaborate meal

Your favorite was when he took old wine glasses and filled them up with mac and cheese cause he wanted it to be "fancy"

You're always the first person JJ calls when something good happens or when something bad happens

JJ doesn't tend to get emotional, but when he does it's with you by his side

The best way to calm him down is to hold him tight and rub circles on his back, you don't know why but it calms him down within minutes

Then we you get upset he is always there to comfort you even though you hate burdening him with your problems cause he has enough to deal with

Eventually he is able to calm you down by telling you how much he loves you

You guys end every night in each others arms because it is both of y'alls safe place

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