Christmas Love

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I am currently in the kitchen making breakfast waiting for the boys to wake up. I got up at 8 to start because I knew that the boys wouldn't be up til at least 9:30, it may be Christmas but that isn't going to stop them from sleeping in a little.

It's 9:15 right now and I have made the pancakes, half the bacon, and the biscuits. I am making eggs right now and all I have left to do is get the toast and heat up the gravy that I made last night.

Kie and Pope are going to be over around 10 then we will have breakfast and open presents. I don't know why but Christmas morning has always been my favorite, even if for a while it's just me cooking.

I have my headphones in as I go to take the gravy out of the fridge to heat it up and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. All I can smell is the ocean and a hint of weed.

"Morning Jay" I say as I pull out the gravy and put it on the stove.

I turn around to see my boyfriend with the biggest grin on his face. He places a kiss on my cheek and pulls out my headphones so I can hear him better.

"Merry Christmas Baby" He whispers in my ear, pulling me into his chest.

We stay like this for a few minutes, before he retreats back into our room to get dressed and I continue to make the food.

I finally finish making everything and I start to bring things over to the table and see that someone set it, I look over to see JJ on the couch with a smirk on his face.

He always tries to do something to help, especially because he knows how much work I put into making breakfast. I send him a wink as a thanks for the help.

And as if he could sense that I was done John B comes trotting out of his room rubbing his eyes.

"Food Done?" He asks in a groggy tone.

"Really no merry christmas, no oh thanks y/n for being the best sister ever and making food?" I laugh, he just looks up and gives me the finger.

Clearly someone stayed up too late talking to Sarah last night.

"Yes the foods done, but we have to wait for Kie and Pope" I say and just as I finish I hear the door open.

"No need, we have arrived" Kie says as she and Pope walk into the living room.

"Perfect timing guys" JJ comments as he hops up from the couch and we all make our way to the table.

I take my normal place next to JJ and John B, Kie and Pope sitting across from us. We sat together and ate breakfast.

It was like every other Christmas morning, filled with laughter and love. I find peace in the fact that we can all just be ourselves together, and every time I feel JJ's hand on my knee I still get butterflies.


"Okay present time!!" I yell from the kitchen, since me and Kie had just finished cleaning up.

We would have asked the boys for help but knowing them they would have made a bigger mess and I honestly don't mind.

Everyone gathers around the tree and sits in their usual spots and like always I go over to the tree and start to pass around the presents.

This year we are changing up the order so Pope is going to go first, then Kie, then John B, then me, then JJ. He was not too happy about going last, but he will have to suffer in silence.

Everyone had opened their presents and now it was my turn.

Kie got me a new swimsuit that I had been eyeing for a bit, Pope got me a couple new books that I really wanted, and John B got me these metal doors for my jeep. Finally it was time for me to open the present JJ got me.

I carefully open the wrapping around the little box that he handed me and that is when I see it.

He got me a necklace that had a silver surfboard charm on it that had JJ engraved on it. We always had this joke about me wearing his name around my neck, but this must have cost a fortune.

I look up at him with the biggest smile on my face.

"JJ I love it so much" I say as I get up to walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck sitting on his lap. "Thank you so much" I place a small kiss on his cheek.

"Your welcome, my love" He smiles back, and kisses my forehead.

I hop off his lap and get him his presents knowing that he was dying to open them.

He opened all the others and then he got to mine. I guess we had similar gift ideas in mind because as soon as he opened his present his eyes lit up.

I got him a ring that had my name engraved on the inside. He sends me a smile and immediately puts the ring on his ring finger, i honestly didn't care which finger he wore it on, but him picking that finger just made me feel all warm inside.

After we cleaned up Kie and Pope had to head home and John B left to go meet up with Sarah so it was just me and JJ sitting on the porch.

I am laying in between his legs as he plays with my hair, I close my eyes and just start to think about how lucky I am.

"Whatcha thinking about pretty lady?" JJ asks, leaning down to kiss me.

I open my eyes and smile up at the boy "Just how lucky i am"

"Oh really? How so?" He raises his eyebrow

"Oh you know I just have the best friends in the world, my brother may be annoying but it's like the right kind of annoying, and don't get me started on my boyfriend" I giggle readjusting so I am now facing him.

"I take it this boyfriend of yours is something special?" He smirks

"Oh he is" I smile and continue "He is kind and sweet and funny, and oh he is sexy as hell" JJ starts to laugh at my description of him "And he got me the greatest Christmas present ever"

JJ and I just stare into each other's eyes and I swear every time I get lost in them.

After a few moments JJ pulls me into his chest and holds onto me like he is going to lose me. I let out a deep breath, knowing that no matter what is to happen I am safe in his arms.

"Merry Christmas my love" I hear JJ say as I drift off to sleep "I love you" and I feel him kiss in the top of my head.

Things really couldn't be better. 

(1190 words)

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