Mary's Song

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Listen to Mary's song by Taylor Swift while reading.


"I bet one day they get married" my dad said to JJ's mom as we played along the beach.

"I can see it" JJ's mom giggles as she sees me and JJ run back over to them.

"Dad, JJ pushed me in the water" I whine, now all wet even though I am in my bathing suit.

JJ was just giggling me behind, as both our parents just looked at each other and smiled. They started to laugh as my dad opened his arms for a hug. I walked over into his arms and turned to stick out my tongue at JJ.

"Hey that was mean," JJ said as he sat next to his mom.

"Oh yeah they are totally going to get married" JJ's mom rolls her eyes.

Ten years later

"JJ you are such an ass" I yell over the music as my best friend is laying on his couch high out of his mind. He was supposed to come and pick me up from work, but here he is.

"Aw what's wrong babydoll" JJ slurred as he looked up at me. I walked over and plopped down on the couch next to him.

"You were supposed to pick me up" I looked over and finally noticed his state. Damn his father, I ran my hand over his bruised cheek.

"Oh shit I'm sorry," JJ says, leaning on shoulder. Normally I would argue with him about it, but I can't help but be okay with it because at the end of the day this is his way of coping with his shitty father.

"It's fine J" I sigh and move a bit closer to him. "Do you wanna spend the night at mine tonight?" I ask looking at my blonde best friend.

He just slowly nods and we get up and shuffle out of the house to his bike.

Five years later

"Baby" I hear JJ yell down the hallway of our house.

"I'm in here" I yell back from the room we have deemed the nursery. Suddenly I feel JJ's strong arms around me. His hands find their way to my growing bump as they always do.

We found out a couple months ago that we were expecting, after months of trying we were both so damn happy.

I snuggle into JJ's chest, his embrace has always been the most warming feeling in the world.

"Which color do you like?" JJ asks, looking down at the paint samples in my hand. I have been trying to figure out which color to paint the baby's room. I have it narrowed down to this tan color and a light gray.

"Honestly I have no clue" I giggled looking up at him. I turn around and gently kiss his lips. This boy is my damn heaven.

15 years later

"I can't believe she's going to her first dance" I smile looking at JJ as we watch our daughter take pictures with her friends for her first homecoming dance.

"I know, I remember when she was trying to learn to walk and kept running into shit" JJ laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"I remember when we were that age too, that first dance we went to you were wearing that damn hot pink dress that I swear was blinding" JJ continued I just smiled thinking about the fact that he remembers just a little thing.

"Mom, Dad come here" our daughter waves over at us

We both make our way over and she motions for us to come take pictures with us. Sometimes I can't believe I got this lucky to have a damn good family.

10 years later

"Can you believe that we made it this far?" JJ asks as we lay in the hammock at John B's and Sarahs, just like old times.

"Honestly, sometimes it feels like a dream" I sigh looking up at the sunsetting

"Thank god for our parents" JJ laughs,, i know it's hard for him to talk about them but he has a point.

"Yeah, they knew along" I smile and lean up to kiss him.

"I love you" JJ whispers as we pull away

"I love you more" I whisper back against his lips. This life is really everything. 

(717 words)

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