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Requested by ella54stuff: Can you do one where the pogues make a bet with yn, where she has to ignore JJ for 24 hours. But sometime into the day JJ thinks she doesn't love him anymore, and starts crying- you can end it how you want

Y/n POV:

"I'm just saying I don't think it's possible" John B said plopping down on the couch next to Pope.

We have been hanging out waiting for JJ to get back from work so we could go on the boat. We ended up talking about me and JJ's relationship, which led us to Popes wonderful comment about how we never seem to be able to leave each other alone.

"I think she could do it" Kie chimed in

"No way. There is no way that y/n can ignore JJ for a whole day. It's not possible" Pope laughed while taking a sip of his drink.

"I totally can" I defend myself. Not that I wanted to ignore my boyfriend for a day, but I wasn't going to back down from a challenge.

Pope and John B just shake their heads. "No way" they said

"Way" I laughed

"Okay, fine. Then I bet you fifty bucks that you can't ignore JJ for 24 hours" John B smirks

"Fifty bucks" I practically scream, shocked that it was that big of a bet.

"Yep" He popped the p at the end

"Bet, be prepared to lose Johnny Boy" I smirked getting up from the couch and grabbing my bag

"Wait where are you going?" Kie askes as I make my way to the door.

I turn back and laugh "Well, if i'm going to ignore JJ I probably shouldn't be here when he gets home"

"That's cheating" Pope yelled from the living room

"Not part of the rules. I told you I was going to win" I giggled and made my way to my car hearing John B yell from inside the house "Good Luck "Mrs. Maybank"

I rolled my eyes at the nickname JJ always calls me. I got in the car and took a breath. This was going to be a long 24 hours.

As soon as I got home I hopped in the shower, and as I got out I already had 3 texts from JJ. God this was going to be hard.


As soon as I got back to the chateau I expected to see y/n waiting for me like always. But she wasn't there. I asked my friends where she was and they all just shrugged.

There is something they aren't telling me.

I texted her a couple of times and got nothing in return, then I checked her location to make sure that she was home like they said she was.

It shows her a home, what the hell is going on.

I grabbed the keys to my bike and hurried off to her house, ignoring the comments from my friends.

As soon as I got to her house I climbed up to the window like I always do. But it was locked, and her lights were off. She never locks her window.

I knock for a few minutes, until I gather that she is probably asleep.

I walked back to my bike trying to think of anything that could be wrong. Maybe I did something.

What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she wants to break up?

These thoughts wreck my brain as I make my way back to the chateau. As soon as I get there I walk straight into my room. I lay down thinking about the fact that I might be losing the love of my life.

Y/n POV:

I roll over slowly, opening my eyes to the bright sun shining through my window. I grab my phone and catch the time.


Damn I really slept in, I guess it makes sense cause I spent most of the night thinking about JJ. It was so hard to sit there as I heard him knocking on my window.

Then I notice all the messages from JJ. Clearly he didn't sleep either. All I wanted to do was tell him it was a bet, but I was determined to prove JB and Pope wrong.

I got up and got dressed and then called Kie to see if she wanted to hang out so that I can ignore JJ for the next 4 hours. All I had to do was get to 5 o'clock and then I could spill to JJ.

Luckily Kie didn't have any plans so we decided to go walk around downtown for a while.

We shopped for a while, then as soon as the clock hit 5 I smiled.

"Time to go" I cheered to Kie. She laughed at my attitude because she knew that I was happy to prove the boys wrong, but also that I didn't have to ignore JJ anymore.

We pulled into the chateau, and thankfully I saw JJ's bike. Good he's here.

We walk in and I see John B and Pope sitting on the couch both looking really guilty.

"You lost" I cheered. Causing John B and Pope to look at each other, still with that guilty face.

"Yeah about that" John B goes quiet.

"What did you two do?" Kie asks, setting down the shopping bags.

"You might want to check on JJ" Pope says

My face drops, every time they say something like that there is something wrong.

I immediately walk over to the spare room and slightly open the door.

That's when I see JJ. Puffy eyes, little sniffles coming from his nose.

"Baby" I say quietly

He turns and looks at me, tears still in his eyes. I walk over and engulf him in a hug.

"Do, do you wanna break up?" He sniffles

"What?" I question pulling away to look at him,

"You locked the window, you never do that" He looks so sad, I am really regretting this bet now

"Awe baby, no I don't want to break up. John B and I made this stupid bet. He said he would give me fifty bucks if I didn't talk to you for 24 hours" I admit feeling really guilty.

I wipe the tears off my boy's face and then I notice the look on his face.

"What" He choked out

"I'm so sorry baby, it was stupid. I do not want to break up. I just wanted them off my back."

"I'm gonna kill him" he half jokes finally calming down

"How about instead, we go get our fifty bucks and I treat you to some ice cream" I suggest

He just smiles and says "Deal"

We walk hand in hand into the living room, gaining the attention of our friends.

As soon as we are in view, JJ pulls me in and plants a big fat kiss on my lips. Immediately earning grains from our friends.

As soon as we pull apart, JJ turns to John B.

"That's what you get for making my girl ignore me for a day" he smirks

"Okay I deserve that" John B admits

"Pay up Johnny" I say walking over to him.

He pulls out a fifty and hands it over reluctantly.

"Thank you" I smile and grab JJ's hand

"Where are you going?" Pope asks

"Ice Cream!" I yell dragging JJ out of the house.

We hop in the car and before JJ starts it he looks over at me.

"Please don't ever do that again" He says

"I won't" I smile, grabbing his hand and kissing it.

"I love you" I say kissing JJ's cheek.

"And I love you" He says starting the car "Now ice cream" He gleams. 

(1240 words)

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now