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People say that when you are about to die your life flashes before your eyes.I never understood what they meant until right now.

I honestly couldn't tell you how I got here, one second I was helping JJ dodge hits from the ship's captain, now all I can feel is my lungs burning.

The water filling my lungs brought back the first memory I have of the ocean. I was six and my dad had taken me down to the beach to learn how to surf. I was so bad, but he kept encouraging me to get back up and try again. So I did it again and again. Until I managed my first wave, it was one of the best days of my life.

Another memory washed over me. I was in the third grade and I was playing by myself on the monkey bars. Up walks a blonde headed boy, he was fascinated by my ability to climb the monkey bars with such ease

"Wow, you're really good" He said, I just smiled. Something about him made me feel safe. He climbed up next to me and introduced himself "Hi, I'm JJ"

I smiled back and introduced myself "I'm y/n. And if you think this is cool, wait til you see me climb a tree." That was the start of my and JJ's friendship, after that we were inseparable.

Then came John B, and then Pope, and Kiara. They were my best friends. My best memories.

A few played through my mind. The time we went fishing in the rain. All the times we would stay at John B's house. The countless beach nights we had. Our first party. Our first time smoking. Everything. Those memories were plagued with laughter.

Then sadness came.

The memory of my dad dying flashed over me, him telling me that he loved me. That everything was going to be okay. He was wrong.

Abuse. My mothers drinking. Every bad thing that happened at home came rushing through my mind like a tidal wave.

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

My best friend. JJ.

His smile warmed my body. I remembered the first time we kissed.

He was so worried about me because I had gone off to collect my thoughts after one of my moms ragers.


I slammed the door of the chateau to see a very angry JJ pacing around.

"Y/n, where the hell have you been?" he fummed

"I was out" I shrugged

"Out? I have been calling you for hours, ''he yelled.

"I left my phone here, geez JJ" I was starting to get frustrated.

"Damn it y/n you can do that. I thought something happened to you" he was starting to calm down, worry filling his voice as he moved closer to me.

"I'm fine JJ, you don't have to worry" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder to let him know I was okay.

"Of course I worry. I mean... I can't lose you. You can't just disappear like that. I can't handle it." He had such sorrow in his eyes. I had never seen him like this.

I cupped his face so that he would look at me "I'm not going anywhere Jay" I said. Only to be met by his lips on mine. I was hesitant at first, I mean I had been in love with him for a long time, but I never thought he felt the same. I quickly started to kiss back.

Once we pulled away to catch our breath, our eyes met. He was looking at me like I was the only girl in the world.

End of flashback

We have been together ever since, he is everything that I could want. Our memories kept playing in my head, like my life was JJ.

Our cute little dates on the HMS. The comments our friends would make about us being perfect together. Our walks on the beach. Every time we had to clean each other up from a fight. Waking up next to him. Cuddling. Dancing in the rain. Late night drives. Everything.

I knew when we started this treasure hunt that it could get dangerous, but I never thought I would end up here.

The last memory I had was a conversation between me and JJ that had happened just before this. We were waiting for our friends in the storage container , talking about our future.


I was sitting in JJ's lap playing with the rings on his fingers, waiting for the "a" team to come back.

"When this is all over I wanna go on a surf trip" JJ said

I turned to look at him, he had the biggest smile on his face. "Really?" I asked

"Yeah I wanna just go where the wave takes us you know? I wanna get out of OBX, travel the world like you always wanted."

"That sounds perfect Jay" I said as I placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Then I wanna get married" He said looking in my eyes. His comment took me by surprise. I mean we never really talked about the future.

"You what?" I questioned pulling my face back a little to get a better view of him.

"I wanna marry you" He smiled

"JJ... I" tried to respond but of course, this was the moment our friends decided to come back. Leaving this to be the last thing we talked about.

End of flashback.

With all these memories flashing through my head I realized one thing. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with JJ. I wanted to go on the surf trip. I wanted to marry him. To have kids with him.

But to do that I need to live.

I could feel my body giving up, but the thought of him pulled me out of it.

Suddenly my eyes quickly opened and I felt myself cough up all the water that I had inhaled.

There he was, holding me up telling me to get it all out. I looked over at him, he had tears streaming down his face. He thought that he was going to lose me.

Little did he know, he saved me.

He put his hand on my face and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm so glad you're okay" He whispered.

I pulled my head up so that I could look at him. Ignoring the comments from our friends about me being okay. I just looked at JJ like we were the only ones there.

"Yes" I said, he looked at me a bit confused. So I said it again "Yes. I wanna marry you"

The biggest smile appeared on JJ's face as he pulled my lips to his. This boy is everything to me.

He's my lifeline. 

(1132 words)

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