Finally Here

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part two of finding out

Y/n POV:

The past nine months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

As I lay here watching JJ rock our baby back and forth, nothing else matters.


It's been a week since I told JJ that I was pregnant and I honestly don't know what I was so scared about. He has been amazing.

We are currently on the way back from our first ultrasound appointment. JJ was so excited, he asked the doctor like a million questions, things I hadn't even thought about. He really is going to be the best dad.

We haven't told our friends about the baby just yet. The only people who know are me, JJ, and John B. Who has also been really nice to me lately. Which for us is strange, but he's excited to be an uncle.

I am sitting in the car, staring down at the little ultrasound picture the doctor gave us. A huge smile on my face, thinking that in a few months I get to meet the little baby growing in me.

I feel a little tear drip down my face.

"Babe you okay?" JJ said sweetly looking over at me and placing his hand on my thigh.

I just looked up at him in awe and nodded "Yeah I'm just happy"

I started to giggle a little bit, which made a huge smile appear on JJ's face. HE just continued to rub my thigh, until we got home. Blissfully happy.

End of flashback

I laid my head back in the bed, about to drift off to sleep knowing that the baby was safe with JJ. Then I heard the door open. And in walked our friends, our family.


"Jay, I think it's time to tell them. I mean John B seems like he is going to explode. And I don't want to hide anymore." I said as me and JJ were laying in bed. My head was on his chest listening to his heart beat, as his hand rubbed back and forth on my now forming bump.

It was the middle of October and I was now four months pregnant. I had been doing a good job at hiding the bump, but any day now it was going to be a little hard.

JJ moved his hand up to my hair and ran his fingers through it "Okay Baby, if you want to tell them I think that is a great idea. Plus can't we find out the gender like next week. Maybe the girls can plan something" JJ said sweetly

"Oh my god you're right." I said sitting up, JJ followed and we both leaned our backs against the headboard.

"Do you think that they are going to be mad?" I questioned

"I think that they are going to be happy, maybe a little annoyed we waited so long, but in the end I think they are going to be more than happy with Baby Maybank coming along." I could hear the excitement in JJ's voice.

It really amazes me how in love he is with this baby already.

"Okay, well then let's go rip off the bandaid cause I'm pretty sure that they are outside" I said getting up from the bed and throwing on one of JJ's big shirts over my tank top.

"Like right now" JJ said

"Yep" I responded, holding my hand out for him to grab.

We made our way out of our room and onto the porch. We found John B, Sarah, Kie and Pope sitting in the hammocks we had outside just chilling.

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