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Y/n POV:

I stood there, paralyzed. I could feel the tears begin to roll down my face. I mean I knew, but I didn't really know. I heard the yelling from around me but I couldn't speak, I was in shock. I could feel the tears flowing down my cheeks, and suddenly my body broke down. Before I could hit the ground I felt a strong pair of arms embrace me. I knew they were JJ's. I could smell his scent of weed and the sea. He pulled me into his chest and I just cried. This was it, he was really dead.

(9 months ago)

Me and JJ had been secretly dating for about a month now, and everything was going great. We wanted to tell everyone that we were together, but we knew that it would just cause trouble. Especially because of my brothers stupid "no pouge on pouge macking rule". I was just starting to get used to being in a relationship with my best friend. I didn't want my brother to mess things up.

Everything was going great, it was the middle of october and the leaves were a beautiful mix of yellow and red. It was my favorite time of year, and the fact that I was getting to spend it with the boy that I had loved forever made it so much better. John B had been out all day trying to avoid the fact that my dad wasn't returning any of our phone calls. I for one wasn't all that worried because it was like him to disappear for a week or so at a time. He was off looking for the royal merchant, some ship that went down like 100 years ago.

It had been a week since he left. I was there when he walked out the door. It was six o'clock in the morning and I had gotten up to meet JJ and watch the sunrise. Which had become a normal thing since we got together. As we were walking back into the chateau I noticed someone walking through the house, I was scared it was John B and he was going to ask us why we were up and together so early. But I soon realized it was my dad. I opened the screen door, JJ following close behind me and caught my dad's attention.

"Y/n, JJ? What are you guys doing so early?" He asked me

"Just watching the sunrise," I said softly, hoping not to wake my brother. As I spoke I move away from JJ in an attempt to hide what was going on between us. Unfortunately for me, our attempt didn't work.

"You know, you two don't have to hide your relationship from me" My dad said casually. I looked at JJ to see the same look of shock that was plastered across my face.

"What are you talking about dad? We aren't in a relationship" I said trying to play it off, though I was lying straight through my teeth. JJ just stayed quiet, I don't think he knew what to do.

"Come on y/n, I may not be the most present dad in the world, but I do know when my daughter is in love" Before I could say anything he walked over and put his hands on my shoulders. "I am happy that you two are together, I couldn't think of a better boy for my daughter to love than sneak over there" I let out a little giggle at the name that my dad had used. He had been calling JJ that since the third grade, due to the fact that he was always sneaking around the house or sneaking food or something like that.

"Thanks dad" I said as I pulled him into a hug. As we pulled away I grabbed JJ's hand and pulled him into me. My dad put his hand on JJ's shoulder, and I could see my boyfriend relax.

"Now JJ, I know I don't have to tell you this, but if you hurt her" My dad started to say, but before he could finish JJ cut him off with "Sir, I would never hurt y/n, I promise." They both looked into each other's eyes in agreement.

"Alright then, I have to head out. Y/n I am going to be gone for a couple of days, but I'll be back before the weekend." My dad said as he walked toward the door. I followed him out, with JJ trailing quietly behind me.

"Okay, I'll see you in about a week then! Be safe dad" I say as he opens the door to that car. He gave me a soft smile and started the car. As he pulled out of the driveway he waved to me and I waved back.

Present time


I was holding on to y/n as she cried, I could feel a couple of tears roll down my face too. Big John was like the dad that I always wanted. He was the only adult who believed that I could be more than my circumstances. But right now I need to push down my feelings and take care of my girl. I picked her up and carried her into the chateau. I could feel Kie and Pope following me in. I sat down on the couch and pulled y/n into my lap. She had stopped crying and was just sitting in silence with her head on my chest. I ran my hands through her hair, making sure that she stayed calm.

"Guys, what are we going to do?" I heard Kie ask. I could tell she was freaking out. Not just at the news we had learned, but because John B had just taken my gun to do god knows what. I felt y/n shuffle in my lap, she looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

"We have to go after him," Pope said with concern in his voice.

"We don't know where he is going" Kie responded

I was about to say something when y/n spoke up "I do" She picked her head up from my chest and stood up collecting her thoughts. "He's going to Tannyhill"

"How do you know that?" Kie asked quietly, looking at her broken best friend.

"Because it's what I would do" y/n said. I could see the pain in her eyes, we both knew that John B was going to try and kill Ward. And I'm going to be honest, I would do the same thing.

"Okay, then. Let's go" Pope said. Him and Kie made their way out the door and headed to the HMS. Y/n moved to follow them, but before she could I grabbed her arm and pulled her to look at me.

"Baby, are you okay?" I questioned. I already knew the answer, but at that moment that's all that came to my mind. She looked up at me and all I saw in her eyes was sadness and fear. I wished so much that I could take it all away.

"Honestly, J. No, I'm not okay. But I will be" She said "I knew that he was gone, but murdered that is a whole different ball game" She continued interlacing her fingers in mine. "On top of that John B is on a rampage and I know that it's not going to end well and I can't lose him too. I mean he is the only.." I cut her off with a kiss to try and calm her nerves. As I pulled away I could see a small smile on her face.

She let out a long breath and looked back up at me "Thanks, J. I needed that"

"Anytime Princess. Now how about we stop your brother from doing something that he will regret" I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door.

We both walked out the door and down toward that boat, we were half way there when y/n stopped. She yanked on my arm, pulling me back into her body and let her lips find mine.

This kiss felt different. It was nothing but love. Pure love. I moved my hands up to cup her cheeks, I could hear her giggle as the kiss deepened. God I loved the sound of her laugh. After a few more seconds we pulled apart.

"What was that for?" I asked, not minding the kiss, but kind of confused.

She smiled sweetly and whispered "For being the guy that my dad wanted me to fall for"

I smiled back at her and gave her another kiss on the lips.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would end up with Y/n Routledge, but here I am. Knowing that her dad approved of our relationship made it even more special. I promised him that I would never hurt her, and that is a promise that I intend on keeping for the rest of my life. 

(1501 words)

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